Page 37 of Reckless With You
“It’s nice to meet you, too. But I’m afraid they’re mistaken.”
I had no idea why the words were coming out of my mouth, but they seemed to be doing their own thing. “I’m already taken.”
Zoey and Erin flipped their gazes to me, their eyes wide.
“Taken?” Zoey asked.
“By who?” Erin asked quickly.
Jace’s brows rose, and he stuck his hands into his pockets. “Well, seems like I’m too late. Or not early enough, considering this wasn’t supposed to actually be where I met you. Sorry for making things uncomfortable. I can head out.”
Jace gestured over his shoulder, and I quickly slid out of the booth and shook my head. “You know what, I’m sorry. It’s just been a weird couple of days. Or weeks. Anyway, it was so nice to meet you, Jace. But I am taken. He’s a great guy. I like him.”
Oh my God, why was I still talking? Why couldn’t I shut up?
“Tucker’s amazing,” I continued, digging myself a deeper hole. “And it’s all new, so my friends don’t even know yet. But now they do. I hope you find someone great.” I did not want to be pitied. They weren’t pushing. They loved me. They didn’t want me to be unhappy.
And I had been because of Tobey. They hadn’t set this up.
And while this wasn’t horrible, I hated this feeling. The oppressive weight that felt as if everything were pressing down on me, and even though they were trying to be kind, it was all too much.
So, I said Tucker’s name. I shouldn’t have. Why was his name the first one on my mind?
Why couldn’t I have made up some random name?
Why did I have to create a fictional relationship with someone who was actually real?
There were places in hell for me. Dark ones.
And I deserved any punishment I got there.
“Well, it was nice to meet you. I hope we meet again though someday, just in case.” He winked and then headed over to the door that connected the café to the tattoo shop. I turned to my friends, my eyes wide, “I need to go.”
The girls opened their mouths, probably to ask questions, but I ignored them. I picked up my bag, turned on my heel, and ran.
Not because I didn’t want to talk to them, though I really didn’t. No, I took off because I had to head off Tucker before he heard.
Because, apparently, he was in a relationship with me. A new one, a secret one.
And he had no idea.
Chapter 8
Once again,I got out of the shower, exhausted. I’d worked the night shift, slept for a little bit of the morning, but then had to go back in for an emergency.
While I loved my job, I missed sleep at times.
When I got home, I’d wanted to go right back to sleep, but I knew I needed to stay up until at least eight since I had to work again today. I didn’t usually work shifts like these, but I had been filling in for a friend who was getting married as well as having a baby, and that meant a little less sleep for me. As long as I did my best to regulate it a bit, I would be safe. And, honestly, that was really all that mattered.
I slid myself into my jeans, pulled a long sleeve t-shirt over my head, and went into the kitchen to figure out what to eat.
The doorbell rang, and I frowned, wondering who it could be. Devin had said he had plans today with Erin, but I was pretty sure he was probably still working. He was still behind the desk following his accident, but he was doing better. It was strange to see him injured, the big man who never let anything knock him down. Except for a car. Apparently, a vehicle could take him out for a bit.
I opened the door, my eyes going wide.
“Hey. What are you doing here?” I asked Amelia, taking a step back. “Not that I’m not happy to see you, but I wasn’t expecting you. Weren’t you at work?”