Page 62 of Reckless With You
This had been possibly the best moment of my entire life.
And I knew we should never do it again.
Even though we probably would.
And every time we did, we’d likely ruin a little more of what we had.
We’d ruin it all.
Chapter 13
As mistakes went,the night before had been a doozy.
But I was too sore and sated to care at the moment.
I hadn’t slept over at Tucker’s, though part of me had wanted to. After we’d gone one more round, I’d somehow found my clothes and the strength to leave the house. He hadn’t stopped me, hadn’t asked me to stay.
And though I should have been hurt by that, I was actually grateful.
Because I couldn’t have stayed.
And yet there had been something in his eyes telling me I could have if I’d wanted to.
We were both going down a path we shouldn’t, one that was far more reckless than anything we could have done, but I didn’t think either of us was going to turn back now.
At least, not yet.
Tucker was coming over later for dinner, something that worried me but also didn’t. Because friends did that, right? They had fun as friends, and they ate food together. Just because he was coming over to my house after he’d made me come multiple times the night before at his place didn’t mean anything had to be weird.
And considering that I’d never thought that sentence before in my life, I figured I had reached a new low in my weirdness.
Tucker didn’t do commitment. And I was still getting over Tobey. There was no room for a relationship.
It had to remain what we were now. Friends.
With benefits.
Because that had to be what we were now. Right?
I shook my head and then went to water my plants.
I tried to keep a few indoor plants in the house, though I was better at keeping them alive outside. I might be a landscape architect, but sometimes, houseplants and I just did not get along.
I’d already worked that morning on countless invoices and creating plans for when the ground thawed, and spring came.
Looking at my proposed list, I was going to be busy, and would finally be able to hire someone full-time, rather than just part-time. I had someone in mind, and we’d been talking about it for a while, but I didn’t know if Jamie would agree. If not, Iman might join me. She was new at this line of work and was still in school, but she had taken some time off to find herself. Since I was in the process of finding myself, too, I figured it was kind of the perfect plan.
Jamie had been working for me longer and was already on the path to becoming a full-time employee. I didn’t know if Iman would be ready or not.
Time would tell. And maybe, just maybe, I would be able to hire two full-time people.
I shook my head. No, I wasn’t there yet. I was getting there, though. My business was prospering. And while I worked far too hard, I liked the work. I loved what I did.
I enjoyed making people happy and plants even happier.
I liked someone being able to go outside into their back yard to relax in their very own oasis. I took pride in having people walk into their homes after walking through a wonderful yard that was welcoming and easy to maintain.