Page 71 of Reckless With You
I grinned. “You’re really going to get dirty?” He raised a brow, the smirk on his face doing way too many good things to my stomach and insides.
“Oh. I think I can get dirty.”
“We are not having sex in this greenhouse,” I said, holding up both hands.
“No. But I’m pretty sure we could use the shower later to get clean. Everywhere.”
“How am I supposed to re-pot this plant when I’m thinking about your dick?” I asked, shaking my head.
“I don’t know. It’s a chore, isn’t it? I mean, I have to go to the hospital every day and work, all the while thinking about your ass and your tits.”
“You are a horrible man,” I said with a laugh.
He grinned, then leaned down and kissed me, a soft one that slowly grew to more. My breasts ached, my nipples beaded against my bra, and all I wanted to do was reach around him, hold him close, and never let go.
And because of that, I took a step back and smiled.
“Okay, I am going to teach you all about replanting.”
“Really? You know I’ve worked beside you many times. In fact, I could probably teach you a thing or two.”
“Ego much?” I asked on a laugh.
“Fine, I really can’t teach you anything about this. But I’ve helped you before. Tell me what to do, and I can get it done. I’m usually good about keeping things alive.”
“That’s always a good sign in our lines of work.”
“Pretty much.”
I frowned, looking over at him. “What’s wrong?”
He shook his head, slowly stripping off his shirt. I had to keep my gaze on his face rather than down below, or I would lose my train of thought.
“Stuff at work. Can’t talk about it.”
“HIPAA?” I asked.
“Yeah. But let’s just say it was a really bad day. So, I could use a little fun.”
“I can do that.”
He smiled then, and a little bit of it reached his eyes.
I didn’t really want to know exactly what it was he had seen that day because it was his job to look at scans and other various things. And, sometimes, those pictures didn’t tell you the best story. I got to make things grow, make people happy. Sometimes, he had to be the bearer of bad news.
So, I would make him smile. After all, it’s what he helped me with day after day.
Apparently, our beard relationship could work both ways. I just had to remember not to be the selfish person Tobey thought I was.
“Okay, Tucker. You better show me how well you can use your hands,” I growled out, trying to make my voice all smoky.
He threw his head back and laughed, and I fell a little bit more into whatever it was I felt for him.
It wasn’t love, though. I was not going to fall in love with Tucker.
By the time we had replanted all my plants, we were both covered in dirt and sweat. And I had never laughed so hard as I had in that greenhouse.
We stumbled out, and Tucker held me close to his naked and sweaty chest.