Page 33 of Shameless With Him
“Okay, then,” Dimitri said, letting out a shuddering breath. “You get some sleep. We’ll figure out what to do later. Together. All of us. You’re not in this alone.”
I might have argued, but I couldn’t. I really didn’t want to. After all, I had come back to Denver for more than one reason. I needed to tell them everything, hiding things was just stupid.
Deep down, I was so fucking scared. Because what if they had missed a tumor? What if it was something worse?
What if it was a neurological disease that they hadn’t figured out yet?
I wasn’t sure what would happen next. All I knew was that my body hated my mind, and my mind hated my body.
I had no right to kiss Zoey. No right to take a chance when I wasn’t even sure what would happen with me going forward.
I drifted off as Dimitri and Thea whispered to one another. I knew I was going to kiss Zoey again.
Because I wanted to. Because I was so damn scared of what would happen if I stopped living.
I was just so damn scared.