Page 37 of Shameless With Him
After my sister got through the intro, I held back a groan. Seriously, it was going to be a long two hours.
Two and a half hours into the meeting, I really had to pee. Two glasses of iced tea on top of the coffee and green tea and diet soda I’d had earlier made for a very stressful meeting.
“I’m so sorry, I really have to use the restroom.”
Lacey sighed and rolled her shoulders back. “Yes, we’re probably at the halfway point right now, so it’s a good time to take a break.”
I boggled. “Um, halfway point?” I asked.
“We have a lot to go over today.”
Caleb cleared his throat. “As much as I’d like to stay for the whole thing, I have some work to do. Can you put the rest on the tablet?”
“Of course, Caleb,” Lacey said, and my mouth dropped open.
Really? He was allowed to leave with a simple question like that? And I looked like I was committing sins for wanting to leave. My sister had truly gone and lost her mind.
Before I could say anything—not that I would—my bladder reminded me that I really did have to go. I scrambled off to the restroom and took care of business as quickly as I could. Maybe if I was lucky, I could sneak out the back, and no one would notice.
I washed my hands and was drying them on a towel when someone knocked on the door.
“I’m almost done, Lacey. I promise I’m not loitering.”
There was a rough chuckle from the other side of the door, and I quickly unlocked and opened it. “Caleb?”
He slid into the room, nudging me out of the way as he closed the door behind him, the lock snicking into place.
“What do you think you’re doing?” I asked, and Caleb shrugged.
“I really wanted a break because I don’t think your sister is actually going to let me leave. I’m pretty sure she has the place surrounded with like wild dogs or something.”
My lips twitched. “Be nice.”
“You’re the one being way too nice. You can’t let Lacey walk all over you like that.”
“She always has.” I said the words, and my eyes widened. “I didn’t mean that.”
“I know you didn’t. But you’re sort of letting her do it right now.”
“I don’t mean to. I just…want her to be happy.” I shrugged.
He brushed his knuckles down my cheek, and I licked my lips. “And she can be. She just doesn’t need to take over your life to get that.”
“You’re here, too.”
“Because I needed to talk to you.”
I froze, blinking. “You sat through how much wedding crap just to talk to me? There’s such a thing as a phone, Caleb Carr.”
He smiled then, and my ovaries burst. Damn things. “I love when you call me by both names. Like a title.”
“More like a curse.”
He leaned down, and I swallowed hard, looking up at him.
“Caleb, we can’t. This is my mother’s guest bathroom.”
“Just a little. I promise.”