Page 61 of Shameless With Him
“We don’t want you spending your entire honeymoon budget on comics.”
“I would never do that.” The man looked clearly affronted, but I couldn’t help but snort.
Tonight was an interesting night: comics, whiskey and cigars, and later, we would hit a dive bar, one that I knew well that actually had fun drinks and a good atmosphere. It wasn’t what I would’ve imagined as the perfect bachelor party, but I never really thought of my own.
An image of Zoey in a white dress at the end of an aisle filled my brain, and I almost choked.
Okay, what had I put into that club soda? We’d only been together a few weeks, and we were casual, nothing serious. We couldn’t get serious. Because I didn’t know what was wrong with me. And even though I hadn’t had a full-blown migraine since Dimitri had helped me that night, they could come at any moment. And I didn’t want to fuck anything up. So, thinking about Zoey in a wedding dress when we weren’t anywhere near there yet was stupid.
I had to keep things slow, casual. We had to remain friends who sometimes slept together and hung out and did things together.
Jesus, I needed to take a step back.
Things were getting far too serious too quickly in the back of my mind if I was already having weird thoughts like Zoey in a wedding dress. I quickly pushed those thoughts out of my head and waited until we got into the comic shop to try and catch my breath.
Wedding dress.
I leaned against the wall, watching everybody. I liked reading, and I enjoyed comic movies and TV shows, but I wasn’t a huge fan of reading comic books. They just weren’t my cup of tea, but I loved the way John’s eyes lit up as he looked at all of them. It was like he was a little kid again.
Nobody was sloppy, or too drunk to have fun in here, and so they talked DC versus Marvel, the new Joker, Wonder Woman, and Supergirl.
Then they went into the obscure ones, ones I had never even heard of before, even though someone brought up Wolverine, and I grinned. Yeah, Wolverine was my kind of guy.
My phone buzzed, and I pulled it out of my pocket.
Zoey:Everything going okay?
My heart sped up at the sight of her name, and I cursed. Shit, I couldn’t get too close. Not when I didn’t know what was happening. And, hell, not when we were just trying to figure out what was going on between us. We had to go slow, couldn’t get too serious.
I almost didn’t text her back, but then I didn’t want to be an asshole either. There had to be a middle ground.
Me:We’re at the comic shop now.
Zoey:I love that you’re doing that. Finding anything you like?
Me:I’m just watching them. Making sure they don’t act like idiots.
Zoey:I’m glad that they have you. When are you done tonight?
My dick pressed against my zipper, and I cursed at it. She wasn’t asking me over, wasn’t asking to see me. But, of course, my dick wanted her.
I ignored everything else inside me that wanted to see her, too. Because I had to ignore it. I couldn’t be too needy.
Me:We have that bar afterwards if they’re still up for it, but I think John’s getting tired. He’s worked doubles all week, and I wouldn’t blame him if he wanted to go home.
Zoey:I just left Lacey at home with a book so she could relax.
I frowned, thinking I got the dates wrong.
Me:She didn’t stay out late for your bachelorette party?
Zoey: No, she didn’t really want a big one. She already had that bridal shower. So, tonight, a few of us went out to dinner, but that was it. No huge stripper party or anything.
Me:Good. Because I really don’t think you’re allowed to go see strippers.