Page 32 of Embraced in Ink
The idea of Marcus and her together sent nervous shivers through her system.
And tempting ones.
Ones she hadn’t let herself feel before this.
She pushed those thoughts from her mind, however, because the others would see, and she needed to focus. Everybody got to work, with Madison opening up the wine like a pro. Bristol knew she already liked the woman, but now she had a feeling that Madison was going to be one of her best friends.
Holland and Arden started organizing and laying out the cheese board in a perfectly artful presentation, while Bristol made sure everything was out of the fridge and ready to go.
The meatballs Holland had brought were perfect, mouthwatering, and the ball jokes ensued.
“Seriously, how many ball jokes are you honestly going to make in a day?” Holland asked.
“I don’t know, as many as I can fit into my mouth,” Zia said, winking before actually putting a meatball into her mouth.
Bristol snorted, wine nearly coming out of her nose, and reached for her water instead. “Okay, that’s enough of that.”
“Enough of it as in it’s now time to tell us everything that happened between you and Marcus?” Arden asked, leaning forward.
“Um. You were there. At my birthday. Marcus and I are getting married. We’re going into the next phases of our lives together.”
The girls looked at each other and then at her.
“That certainly doesn’t tell us much.” Arden tilted her head and stared at Bristol. “We won’t pry.” She paused. “Too deep. Nevertheless, you both look happy, if a little shocked at the outcome. I mean, it did seemingly come out of nowhere, but maybe it didn’t. And we’re not going to force you to tell us anything.”
“Believe me, I’ve been part of a relationship where everyone had to know everything, and I love the fact that you guys never tried to ask me all the intense questions—and invasive ones,” Holland put in.
Zia raised her hand. “I don’t mind hearing details about it, though,” Zia said, and everyone laughed, the tension mellowing out. “However, we won’t talk about the how, mostly because it feels like that’s personal,” Zia put in.
“But we will be here for you,” Madison said, smiling. “Seriously. Marcus is such a nice guy, and I don’t know him as well as I know the rest of you, but he always seems to be there for everybody in his circle and outside of it. He has a great job, loves you, and makes you smile. I’m really happy that you guys are making it work.”
Bristol smiled even as her cheeks hurt and a cold sensation skated over her. She didn’t know what it was, though. Shame? Guilt? No, it couldn’t be either of those. Because this wasn’t a fake engagement. This wasn’t a lie. What it was, was something that was starting at the wrong point of a relationship.
Maybe. Or perhaps she was losing her mind.
“We just knew,” she said, hoping that was honest. “It was my birthday, and we looked at each other and…knew. And now, we’re getting married.”
Everybody sighed, their eyes filling, even though she knew they would have more questions. After all, Bristol had a few of her own. If the roles were reversed, she’d be the one leading the charge, always in everyone’s business as she tried to help people into their happily ever afters. But now that it was her? She needed time.
She could kick herself for how pushy she’d been before, even if people had said they appreciated it.
Retrospect and all of that.
“Now, let us see that ring,” Zia said. When Bristol held out her hand, she could only smile as the others gushed and squealed, making this dream of hers even more of a reality.
She sippedat her wine and talked with the girls before everybody headed home, and she was left alone with her thoughts.
She pulled out her phone and dialed Marcus’s number without even thinking.
“Hey,” she said as he answered.
“The girls just left.”
A pause. “I’m still with the guys, though I moved over to another part of the house so they can’t hear me. You okay?”
He knew her so damn well. Tears threatened, and she swallowed them back. She wanted to hear his voice. Wanted him near. She was a selfish person, but she couldn’t help it. Not when it came to Marcus. Never when it came to him. “I feel like I’m lying even though we aren’t. You know?”