Page 52 of Embraced in Ink
“Liam is next, right?”
“And then Ethan’s family, and then you and Marcus. Aaron will bring up the rear.”
“As always, the baby, the one that’s forgotten.”
“Really?” Madison asked from the side, laughing. “You have inserted yourself in every conversation since I got here. I’m pretty sure nothing isforgottenwith you,” she said.
Bristol slapped her hands together. “Madison. You’re here. And you’re my new favorite person. We must put Aaron down. That is the one rule of being part of our cult—I mean, our clan.”
“Told you it’s a cult,” Marcus said from the other side of the room, a little plate put together. He had another dish in his hand and held it up towards her. “Hungry?” he asked.
She smiled and went over to him, taking her plate.
“Thank you.”
“You know, I realized that you guys have always done this, but it’s kind of weird seeing it with that ring on your finger.”
She looked over at Ethan. “What do you mean?” she asked, suddenly self-conscious. She played with her engagement ring with her thumb, twisting it around her finger.
“I’m not saying anything bad,” Ethan said quickly, both of his lovers glaring at him. “I’m not.”
“I think what he meant was that we are new to the idea of you and Marcus truly together and out in the open. One day, I’m sure you’ll tell us the story of how it all happened, but since you have given us the decency of not diving into every single personal aspect of our relationship, I’ll refrain from doing so now with yours.” Lincoln smiled as he said it, sounding ever the gentleman, and Bristol sank into Marcus’s side, a little relieved.
“I didn’t say I would hold back,” Aaron added, and let out anoofwhen Madison elbowed him in the gut.
“Stop it,” she whispered.
“You don’t even know me, and now you’re injuring me? Lincoln, take your cousin.”
“Madison, I permit you to do whatever you need to Aaron. Beat him up. He probably deserves it.”
Madison smiled at her cousin. “Thank you. You know I do feel like I’m part of the family now.”
“Yeah, me, too,” Aaron grumbled, and Bristol laughed, watching the others as they joked around.
Liam and Arden came from the back room, looking a little tousled, and everyone did their best not to start laughing.
“Sorry, we were just taking Jasper out.”
The white Siberian Husky took that moment to walk up to all of them, needing pets. He didn’t beg for food, he was a very well-behaved dog, but she knew that at least Aaron was going to feed him some scraps.
Bristol wouldn’t, mostly because she knew that the others would, and they didn’t want to overwhelm him. But she loved that dog. And if she were home enough, she’d get one of her own. But it wasn’t fair.
Maybe she would get one now that Marcus would be home. And then she frowned, guilt and tension turning in her gut. What would happen when she went on tour? Would he go with her? No, he couldn’t. He had a full-time job, one he loved. But how would they do apart?
And what would happen once they were married and had children? Would she stay home? Would he? She didn’t know the answer, and they were going to have to talk it out. But they were still in the beginning phases, and it didn’t matter what label they put on themselves, she didn’t know if they were ready.
Marcus squeezed her shoulder and looked down at her.
“What’s wrong?”
She did her best to clear her face and shook her head. “Nothing. Overthinking.”
“You know you’re not supposed to do that.”
“I know. I can’t help it. Now, I’m going to eat some bruschetta, and then I’m going to pick on my baby brother. Because I can.”