Page 66 of Embraced in Ink
Her phone buzzed, and she frowned, looking at the readout before hitting ignore.
“Who was it?” Marcus asked, worried at the look on her face.
Marcus was silent for a moment, staring at her.
She rolled her eyes. “Colin. He wants to go on that tour and to write something together on my album, even though we aren’t planning on it. He’s annoying me, but I also know that my agent sort of wants us to work together. We sell better together, and they’re throwing around the idea of making a single for charity.”
She crossed her eyes, but Marcus frowned.
“You’d still work with him, then?” There wasn’t jealousy sliding through him, not really, but he wasn’t excited about the idea of her and Colin working so closely together either.
“It’s freaking annoying, but I might have to. If it’s for charity? I don’t know if I could say no to that just because he sometimes annoys me.”
“Only sometimes?” Marcus asked, still sitting while she was on her knees. He kind of liked that, even though he didn’t say it aloud.
“Okay, a lot of the time. But, occasionally he’s great. And he’s a fantastic piano player. One of the best of our time, and I have to remember that when we’re working together.”
“Being really good at something doesn’t give you an excuse to be an asshole.”
“That is true. And I don’t let him get away with it. You’ve seen me. I tell him right to his face that he’s being an asshole and that he needs to stop. And he’s not always that bad. I mean, he has been a little clingy recently, but I think that’s only because he assumed we were going on tour together. And now that we aren’t, he’s scrambling a bit.”
“Scrambling?” Marcus asked, not liking the sound of that.
“Oh, he’s going to get his tour settled soon, but I think he kind of assumed that I would be doing all the work for this one like I usually do.”
“See? Still a fucking asshole,” Marcus said.
“You’re right. However, I’m not going to deal with it tonight. Tonight, I am going to stay right here for my birthday gift.” Her eyes darkened, and Marcus grinned.
“Oh?” he asked.
“Oh,” she said, and then her hands went to his belt.
He helped her undo his pants, slowly sliding them down a bit, and when she gripped his cock through his underwear, he swallowed hard.
“Dear God, woman. You’re going to kill me.”
“I promise I’ll be good,” she said, licking her lips.
“Okay, just don’t be that good,” he said, laughing.
“Never.” Then she squeezed him at the base before slowly pulling him out of his boxer briefs.
When she slid her hand up and down his length, he let out a groan, tangling his fingers in her hair.
“You know, I was thinking earlier that I liked you on your knees, but I didn’t want to be that guy.”
Bristol looked up, laughter in her eyes. “Considering I’m about to have your dick in my mouth, you’re welcome to be that guy. Remember, you’re going to have to reciprocate at some point. Because I like it when you’re on your knees.”
“I can totally do that.”
And then Marcus couldn’t think anymore because her mouth was on his dick, her warmth encasing the head of him to the point that his eyes crossed, and he groaned, his hands tightening in her hair. She licked up the base, and then dove her tongue at the crease on the top, lapping up the precum.
She had one hand on his thigh, the other on his length, squeezing the base, and she couldn’t swallow all of him.
Her head bobbed, her mouth warm, the suction so fucking good he knew if he weren’t careful, he’d come right there down her throat.