Page 79 of Embraced in Ink
“Being in a hospital waiting room isn’t going to bring all the memories back. I’m healthy. And if I get tired, your father will take me home. But Bristol is my little girl, too. I need her to be okay.” She squeezed his hand, even as his dad put his arm around her shoulders and helped her to sit down again.
“I’ll watch her, son. You go take care of your other family. I’ll make sure your mother’s safe.”
He met his father’s gaze and saw worry there, but also saw the strength that he knew he’d need.
He couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think.
Bristol had to be okay.
He moved to the chair next to where Bristol’s mom sat, and she looked up, tears streaming down her face.
“My daughter is so strong, and I’m glad that you’re here. We couldn’t get ahold of you. We were worried.”
He lowered his head. “I’m sorry. I had my phone off. Never again.”
Bristol’s father stood up and squeezed his shoulder. “It’s okay. It happens. We knew Aaron would find you.” He looked over at his son. “Right?”
“Right. I found him. Any news on Bristol?”
“We’re waiting to hear from the doctor. She should be out of surgery soon.” Marcus looked over at Ethan, who had spoken, the other man’s gaze on the clock. Lincoln and Holland sat on either side of him, their hands clutching his. They didn’t speak, but they leaned into Ethan as if giving him their combined strength.
Madison was at Lincoln’s side, her hand in his other, squeezing tightly.
Marcus knew that Madison and Bristol had started to become close over time, and the fact that Madison was here only reminded him how much Bristol had waiting for her.
She had to be okay.
He kept repeating that mantra as if he could will it to happen.
“What happened?” Marcus asked and looked at the doorway as another person walked in.
“That’s my question, as well,” Zia asked, her purple hair pulled back from her face in a messy bun. She was pale, her ink stark against her skin, and Mrs. Montgomery stood up and went over to Bristol’s ex, holding her close.
“I’m glad you’re here, darling. All of Bristol’s family’s here now. That’s good.”
“What happened?” Zia asked again, and Marcus looked at Liam, saw the other man’s jaw tighten.
“We don't know much. Colin got into her home and attacked her. We don’t know what happened, but Bristol fought back. Colin has scratch marks on his face and a broken nose and a few bruises.”
His girl fought back. Of course, she did. Only she shouldn't have had to in the first place. Marcus should have been there. “They got the bastard?”
“Yeah, he was sitting in his fucking car in her driveway, muttering to himself, trying to clean up the blood when the police came.” Liam spit out a curse, and Marcus let out a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart.
“Who called the cops?”
“She did,” Arden said softly. “The girls and I were just there, checking up on her after…” She moved her gaze from him, and Marcus cursed.
“Checking up on her after me,” he said softly.
Arden looked reluctant to answer but finally nodded. “Yes, but she was okay. I guess he came after we left. And he didn’t leave. I don’t know what’s going to happen to him, but the cops have him now.”
“But he hurt her pretty badly,” Liam said softly.
“What did he do?” Marcus asked, his voice low.
“He attacked her, hit her, and then stabbed her with some scissors.”
“Fuck,” Marcus whispered.