Page 37 of Forever Only Once
“My feet were cold,” I said.
“Then put on fucking slippers,” Prior said.
“The slippers were in the other room. My socks were nearer. The sandals were close. I didn’t feel like going upstairs.”
“Laziness is no excuse for wearing socks with sandals,” Nate said, laughing.
“I’m not going to wear socks and sandals ever again. I promise.” I threw my hands up again, but nobody looked like they believed me.
Honestly, I didn’t know if I believed myself. It was a horrible fashion choice, but I was comfy. And, apparently, now an old man. Because that is who wore socks and sandals. Old men. At least, according to the looks on my family member’s faces.
“You’re not really going to help me pick out something to wear, are you?”
“Don’t tempt me,” Arden said, tapping her foot. “I don’t know. It could be good practice for when I’m helping my children.”
“You know, that is a good idea,” Liam said, and I rubbed my temples. “I swear I’m not going to wear this.”
“And you promise never to wear socks and sandals again?” Macon asked, seriousness in his tone.
“I promise.” I threw my hands up into the air for a third time. “Go, eat. Let me live my life in peace.”
Prior shook his head. “As long as you’re not living your life in your current outfit, that is fine. Just don’t go out in public. You have the Brady name attached to you. Don’t tarnish it.”
“Considering that our name is tied to a very famously dorky yet amazing family, I’m pretty sure I’m not going to be the one that does that,” I said honestly.
“Go get changed. I promise we won’t be here when you get back. But, have fun, be good, and don’t fuck it up,” Arden said, a wide smile on her face.
“I love it when you curse,” Liam said. “Makes me feel a little bit better about all the words that come out of my mouth.”
“When we have that child in our home, we’re going to have to stop cursing.” All of us looked at each other and then at Liam.
“Between the Montgomerys and the Bradys, that is going to be difficult.”
“We’ll figure it out,” I said and then held my baby sister close. I kissed her on the top of the head and let out a deep breath. “I’m happy for you, baby sis.”
“And I’m happy for you. Now, have fun. Don’t think too hard, and just be yourself. She’ll love you, just like we do.”
“I hope we don’t love him like we hope she will,” Prior said. “Because you know that’s against the law and shit. And I know the other more famous Bradys might joke around like that’s cool and all, but that’s not us,” Prior said and then ducked as Macon slapped the back of his head.
“Hey, watch the hair.”
“Maybe stop making incest jokes? I don’t know,” Macon said, and then he lifted his chin at me. Suddenly, they were gone, leaving me standing there, wondering how the hell I was going to get serious with a woman when they had to deal with my family. I loved them all, but they were a little much. And then I remembered how overprotective and growly I had been when Arden was first dating Liam, and realized that I was part of the problem.
I went up to my bedroom and quickly changed, wearing decent slip-on leather shoes rather than socks with sandals, a mistake I wouldn’t make again anytime soon. Then, I headed to the restaurant. We were going to an Asian fusion place that had excellent sushi, and their version of fusion meant there was some fantastic Japanese food on the menu as well as some Korean barbecue. My stomach grumbled just thinking about it.
Hazel had nixed the idea of me picking her up, and while I understood that, she had said it so quickly and forcefully that I was afraid I had heard some fear in her voice. I might’ve just been projecting, though. I wasn’t sure. She was likely hiding a few things, considering we had only met in person once. And I understood that she didn’t need to tell me everything. But I did have to wonder why she’d sounded so scared, and a little reluctant to go on a date with me at all.
Again, maybe I was just projecting.
I pulled into the parking lot, then, as I approached the building, I opened the door right as someone walked near me. I turned and smiled.
Hazel wore form-fitting black jeans that had a little sparkle to them, a flowy black top that showcased her boobs but flared out at her hips, black boots with stiletto heels, and a leather jacket with rhinestones on the collar. It was a mix of sparkle and punk and sophistication all in one, paired with her black clutch that I had a feeling looked like Chanel, though I couldn’t see the brand too well.
“I guess I’m right on time,” I said, then leaned down to brush her hair off her shoulder. Her eyes widened for a fraction of a second, but she didn’t move away. I didn’t lean down to hug her or to touch her any more than I had. I didn’t kiss her. I didn’t do anything like that. I didn’t want to worry her more than I thought maybe she already was.
After all, she looked a little bit like a deer caught in headlights.
Or, like usual lately, perhaps I was just projecting.