Page 47 of Forever Only Once
“Really? You’re doubting me? We’ve worked together for how long? Well, fuck you, too. I’m sorry you’re jealous of everything I can do and the people that I’ve brought in, but that’s no reason for you to go through my accounts. How do I know you haven’t touched any of my stuff? Have you stolen my clients while you’re at it? Or maybe my accounts?”
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” I growled.
“What? You don’t think I see you wanting what I have. I was trying to throw you a bone with that client of mine, but hell, you couldn’t even get that right.”
The man had officially lost his fucking mind. He was twisting the truth as if I hadn’t just lived through it.
What else had I been missing over the years because I had wanted to believe in what we’d once had?
I had wanted to believe that my trust had been earned.
I was so fucking wrong, and now I would pay the price. Maybe for a long damn time.
“You know what, I’m done. I’ve got shit to do, and I’m really not in the mood to deal with this.”
“You’re going to be in the mood to deal with this when I go through the paperwork myself.”
I was grateful that I had already sent myself a copy because I was not in the mood handle or face whatever lies Chris came up with now. Our accountant had a copy, as well, and that would have to be enough for now. But hell. This was not what I had planned on doing today.
“You know what, I’m late. But you and I? We’re going to have to talk soon.”
“You keep saying that. Talk, talk, talk. And yet you don’t do anything. You’re just a sorry excuse for a man, and not the one I used to know. I’m pretty sure this partnership will be over soon.”
“You know what? Fine. I wanted to dissolve it anyway, but I was trying to figure out a good way to say that to you. Now, fuck it. We’re going to have that talk soon. Because you and me? We’re done. But it’s not going to be as easy as you just walking away.”
Chris looked at me, that fear in his gaze again. This time, I knew it wasn’t just my imagination.
“Fuck you. You’re going to regret saying that.”
And then Chris was gone, and I wondered who the hell the man was. That wasn’t the guy I had gone to school with. Wasn’t the friend I had opened a business with. Who was the guy I was looking at now?
And here I was, the fucking loser still attached to him because I’d wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt.
How the hell was I supposed to even look at myself in the mirror at this point?
I didn’t have time to wallow, though. No, I had a date.
A date with a woman that I had a feeling was a little scared of what was happening between us.
I probably should have canceled. I should have just walked away and let her have her space while I figured out what the fuck was going on.
But the selfish part of me didn’t want that.
That part of me was afraid that if I did, there’d be no going back. I’d had those fears for long enough.
I got ready in a blur and nearly sped to the restaurant where I was meeting Hazel. I honestly wasn’t sure that I should be on this date, but I wasn’t going to cancel and be a jackass. I parked, noticed Hazel’s car already there, and cursed under my breath. I hated that she was waiting for me. Hell, I needed to get my head on straight if I was going to do this. She deserved more than me being an idiot.
I also didn’t mind that she’d met me at each of these dates. There was clearly something in her past, and secrets that she needed to keep. And I was fine with that. Maybe she’d trust me enough to tell me one day. If meeting me at a restaurant made her feel safe, then that was fine with me. I wasn’t the type of guy who refused to listen, who imagined myself a caveman who could just get what I wanted by shouting and beating my fists against my chest.
Although I did kind of want to do that with Chris, but that was a completely different situation.
“Hey there,” Hazel said from the bench near the doorway when I walked in.
I leaned down and brushed a kiss against her lips. My shoulders immediately relaxed, and I kept my eyes open enough to notice that hers did the same.
Hell, that was a good feeling. The tension eased from me, and I felt like I was coming home. Such a weird feeling for someone that I was still getting to know.
I didn’t know what that meant, but what I did know was that I wanted to push all of my other worries from my brain and only focus on her.