Page 43 of From That Moment
“Sorry. I started with a joke, and then it got creepy.”
“Very, very creepy. I would hit you, but I need the energy to work.”
“Need the energy to sit behind a desk all day?” Nate asked, and I leaned forward and smacked him on the side of the head.
“Hey. No violence. You just said you needed energy.”
“I suddenly got the energy,” I said deadpan and then ducked out of the way of Nate’s fist as I made my way to the master bath.
Nate went to the guest room, and I figured he would at least shower and change into the clothes he’d brought.
I liked that our family was so close. We weren’t spread across the US like so many others. It’d be nice if our parents lived closer, but our dad’s job had transferred him, and now they were happy out there. I didn’t get to see them enough, but at least I had my siblings.
I showered quickly, knowing if I didn’t move my ass, I wouldn’t be able to have a cup of coffee before I left for work. I didn’t know why I was so nervous. It wasn’t like I didn’t see Paris often. Was she making me nervous? What were we going to say to each other when we saw each other next?
I was also worried because I had no idea what the fuck Benji was going to do.
He hadn’t said a word about the attack. Unlike the others in the office. They’d been carefully quiet about it, only murmuring to each other. I didn’t think anyone thought anyone in the office had done it, but it still felt as if we were all scared to mention it.
Could it happen to them? Or was someone out to get Paris?
Or maybe I was wrong, and they were all talking about it behind my back in louder tones. That could well be the case.
I would’ve thought they would talk to me to figure out what I knew. The others at the branch hadn’t done that, but that meant I didn’t know what they all likely thought. I was only a visitor in their world, after all. My time with the branch was short, and then I would move on back to my old office, most likely with a promotion if things worked out well with the project.
And I would no longer be working daily with Paris.
I didn’t want to think about what that meant because once I wasn’t working with her anymore, maybe we could start something.
“Fuck.” I bashed my knee into the cabinet as I got out of the shower.
I did not need to think about that. I would not be dating Paris. No matter what. There were rules. We were friends. Nothing more.
Now that the idea was in my mind, I didn’t know what to think.
Nate was gone by the time I came out of my room, ready for work. Nate only had to get dressed in his casual clothes since he wasn’t working today, but I had to put on my tie and everything.
There was a note by the coffee maker, and my travel mug filled to the brim with steaming brew.
Say hi to Paris for me.
I grinned at his note, picked up my coffee, and made my way to my car.
I would act natural.
Act as if nothing had happened. Maybe that was wrong. And I had a feeling I wasn’t going to be able to do that, but Paris would make it through this and come out the other side as strong as ever. She was going to be okay, and me focusing on it would make it difficult for both of us. So, I would follow her lead and bring it up only if she wanted to talk.
I hoped.
I pulled into the parking lot, my hands fisting on the steering wheel as I did.
Paris wasn’t here yet, but I parked where I normally did, not sure if she would park close to her old spot where the attack had happened, or pick a new one. It didn’t matter, though, because I would be walking her to her car.
So, apparently, I wasn’t going to act as if nothing had happened.
Even though there were now cameras in the parking lot, the new technology wouldn’t protect Paris if someone came at her again.
I was not going to react the same as I had before the attack. I was going to do my best to make sure she was safe.