Page 14 of Seduced in Ink
“I have no idea. But it’s going to be fine. We’re going to laugh about it in the end, and everybody will continue thinking that Aaron Montgomery is the best, and that he tried to save the day. But we all know that my parents will never truly believe it, even if they want to nab a Montgomery.”
“That was a lot. But first, I nabbed a MontgomeryandHolland. So your parents can go fuck themselves.”
Madison winced, images filling her head that never needed to be there. “Please do not mention my parents and fucking ever again in the same sentence.”
“Deal. Also, should we talk about the fact that you seem to have an idea about Aaron Montgomery that I’m not aware of?”
“What?” she asked, truly confused.
Lincoln shook his head.
“Never mind. Clearly, I’m just reading too much into the situation because…hello, you’re engaged.”
“Fake engaged. And it’s going to end soon.”
“And then what are you going to do?”
“I’m going to need to figure out how to stand up to my mother and tell her to stop. Aaron was just giving me time to do so because Mother makes everything so difficult. She just steps into my life and takes over, even though I try to stand up to her.”
“I know. I know more than anyone what she does. She doesn’t give you a choice or a chance. I know she wasn’t always this way, so it’s hard for you to look back and not see the mom she used to be.”
“When did you get so good at reading people?” she asked, shaking her head with a small smile on her face.
“I’ve always been good at it. Plus, Holland and Ethan always keep me on my toes, so I’m getting better at understanding people. I still don’t understand why you let them do what you do, but I get it.”
“If you get it, then youdounderstand. And if you don’t understand, then you don’t get it.”
Lincoln snorted. “Fine then. Deconstruct my grammar. I see how it is.”
“You just came over here to check on me?” she asked after a moment.
“You’re my cousin. Practically my sister. Of course, I’m here to make sure you’re okay.”
“I can take care of myself.”
“Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should,” he said before kissing her temple again.
The doorbell rang as he pulled away, and Madison froze, having a feeling she knew exactly who it was.
“I didn’t realize you were meeting him here. I assumed you’d be going to the café. Or meeting in an open space. Not where you’ll be all alone with Aaron.”
She raised a single brow, just like Lincoln had. “Excuse me? Why would you have an issue with that?”
“Because you’re my baby sister. Sort of. And I can do what I want.”
“Don’t get all growly with me. It’s just Aaron. Nothing’s going to happen.”
“Sure. Whatever you say.” She had a feeling that he didn’t believe her in the slightest. And, honestly, she wasn’t sure she believed herself.
She went to the door and opened it, then did her best not to swallow her tongue. After all, it wouldn’t be good for anybody if she swooned right in front of the man she’d had the sex dream about. No, scratch that. A foreplay dream. Right?
“Hey. Is this the right time?” Aaron asked before his gaze widened. Madison knew that Lincoln was right behind her, hovering. She could feel him, and from Aaron’s look, he was either surprised to see Lincoln, or Lincoln was making some kind of rude gesture. She knew the two were friends, but it was still a little worrisome how her cousin was reacting.
“Lincoln,” Aaron said, mimicking her cousin’s deep and skeptical tone.
Madison just wanted to crawl into a hole and pretend that none of this was happening. But that wouldn’t accomplish anything.