Page 32 of Seduced in Ink
“We have this cult conversation often,” Ethan began. “But we’re not a cult or in a cult. We’re just a family that wants the best for everybody involved. And right now, that includes having some ribs. Because I am starving, and they smell amazing. Liam, are you watching the ribs, or are we going to end up eating charcoal?”
Liam flipped him off and went over to the smoker. “They’re almost ready. I also made coleslaw, potato salad, regular salad, beans, mac and cheese, corn, and a few other things. I even brought Arden’s cornbread, and I might die just thinking about it. It smells so good.”
“What do you mean? We have veggies?” Aaron asked. “I thought this was a man’s evening.”
“Men can eat vegetables,” Benjamin said, narrowing his eyes even though there was laughter in them. “It’s this wonderful thing. If we eat healthy food, it means we can eat more. And we don’t die of cardiovascular disease at the age of forty. I mean, we all know that Liam here is nearing that age.”
“Fuck you. Seriously. Fuck you hard. That’s just mean,” Liam said.
“Didn’t we all make fun of him when he was turning thirty before all of us?” Aaron asked, feeling lighter than he had in days.
“Yes. And that’s what makes this fun,” Benjamin said, grinning. “He will always reach milestones before us. We can either envy him for certain ones or take pride in knowing that we can make fun of him.”
“I’m your elder, you’re supposed to respect me,” Liam said, sounding as stern as he could, even though he was laughing.
“Sure. Whatever you say,” Ronin said, looking at the ribs and the smoker.
“You know, the way these ribs are placed reminds me of thatCriminal Mindsepisode that just aired.”
Aaron snapped his fingers and nodded. “I was just thinking that. That cult where they were eating the remains of others? It was kind of gross, but they came up with their signature barbecue sauce and were selling it nationwide.”
“Why would you bring that up?” Lincoln asked.
“Seriously?” Ethan asked. “We’re about to eat, and you’re talking about human remains and selling barbecue sauce? Oh God, Marcus, you brought anotherCriminal Mindsjunkie into our family?”
“At least you didn’t saycult,” Ronin said, and they all burst out laughing, even as they all shuddered.
“Now I don’t know if I want to eat these ribs,” Marcus said. “That sort of ruined the moment.”
“I’m sure if we keep drinking beer and start on the chicken first, it’ll be okay,” Benjamin said, even though he sounded doubtful.
“And, once again, a discussion of cannibalism andCriminal Mindshas ruined a meal,” Aaron said deadpan. The rest of them threw napkins and paper plates at him, and he ducked, laughing.
He honestly had no idea what he was going to do about Madison. He sure as fuck wasn’t going to talk about the kiss or whatever they were going to do with and for each other later. For now, he would laugh and try to remember that he was doing this to make her happy and not because he wanted her taste again.
The fact that he craved her? That was just a bonus.
At least, that’s what he told himself.
Chapter 8
Madison was not getting ready for a date. She was getting ready for her fake date. Did that mean she was fake getting ready?
She ran her hands over her newly clean face and groaned. She was making things far too complicated, and it was only getting worse. The fact that it couldgetworse worried her, considering how far off the deep end she had already gone when it came to Aaron fricking Montgomery.
She should not have agreed to this. She shouldn’t have agreed to any of it. But she couldn’t help it when she was in the moment. Everything he said had made sense. Now, here she was, about to go on a practice and public date so others spying for her mother would know that they were out and about and not just pretending. The fact that they were actually playing a part notwithstanding.
She and Aaron had decided that they should go out for dinner and then maybe a walk in the moonlight later. And they’d do it in a park that many people frequented after dates so others would see them together. Madison had a feeling that they were just using the fakeness as an excuse, and she honestly wasn’t sure how she felt about that. All she knew was that she had agreed to it, and she was pretty sure that some of it had been her idea.
She was going on a date with Aaron Montgomery. It could be that nobody would witness it, that nobody they knew or anybody her mother knew would see. It might be for nothing.
Or, it might end up being an actual date.
“It’s not,” she told herself and looked at her reflection in the mirror before putting on her moisturizer and beginning her makeup routine.
She loved playing with makeup and had a new friend that did it for a living, so she’d learned a few tricks from her YouTube channel.
Zia was far better than Madison could ever hope to be. Still, she thought she did a decent job with concealer and eyeshadow. She didn’t look too overdone, but she felt happy and pretty. She always did her makeup for work because she wanted to, not because she felt like she had to. Most of the time, she ended up with nothing but lip balm on her lips. But that was because she worked at a bakery in a coffee shop, and when she was in the back, she just couldn’t deal with melting cosmetics.