Page 50 of Seduced in Ink
“Yes, that Aaron Montgomery. His brother is Liam Montgomery. You know, the author? That former model who just came out to the world regarding what he’s been writing under his pen name. We’re so very grateful for the people in Madison’s life. Oh, he also has a sister, Bristol Montgomery. You’ve been to her concert, I believe. We went there last year when we summered in the Hamptons. Don’t you remember, darling?” Maeve asked Madison. Madison just blinked as if stunned that Maeve was namedropping as much as she was.
Hell, Aaron was a little stunned, too.
“My family is quite talented. However, I had to deal with them fighting over who got to sit in the front seat when we were younger, way before the idea of booster seats. So I don’t always think of them the same as most people do.”
The women tittered, though Maeve narrowed her eyes a fraction as if not happy with Aaron’s humor.
Was he going to be better at it? Maybe. Would he tell the woman to go fuck herself by the end of the weekend? Most likely.
It really was going to be a long damn weekend.
“It was so nice to meet you all. Mother, we need to go check into our rooms.”
“We got you one room, darling. You’re engaged, after all. And we’re not so old-fashioned.” Her mother winked, and Aaron just blinked a couple of times, wondering where the hell this conversation was heading and exactly what he was supposed to say or do.
“Mother,” Madison chided, sounding so much like Maeve it made him blink. Madison must have realized it too because she leaned back and swallowed hard. “Anyway, thanks. You know having to sneak into each other’s rooms in the middle of the night probably wouldn’t be too good.” The other women laughed, while Maeve just narrowed her eyes more.
“Like I’d make you do the walk of shame,” Aaron said, laughing and being truthful. “I’d be the one doing it, of course. But I probably shouldn’t forget my key like that last time I was in my towel in the hallway. That was embarrassing.”
“At least your towel didn’t fall again,” Madison said, grinning. He leaned down and brushed a kiss on her temple, not caring that they had an audience. However, the fact that they had an audience was exactly why he should’ve done it in the first place. Right?
Jesus, he wasn’t doing this right. He was probably going to make mistake after mistake, but they would get through this. Because Madison was showing who she was—the humor and the fiery temptation.
He could do this.
“Go check in. Get settled. And perhaps freshen up.”
“Thanks for that,” Madison said dryly.
Aaron just ignored the barb. He was getting used to them. Sadly.
“Your father and I have already checked you in. He has the key. Why don’t you check with him and make sure you’re ready to go? He’s actually off with the husbands, Joyce’s and Miranda’s. They’re somewhere on the other side of the inn. You’ll love them, Aaron. They have a few matters they would like to talk to you about. I know that you’re young now, but soon, you’ll be thinking about full-time investing, and they’re exactly who you need to talk with.” Joyce and Miranda nodded as Maeve struck. “After all, it’s time to make sure you’re on the right path and up to scratch, if you’re going to be marrying my baby girl.” She grinned like a piranha with sharp teeth. He just rolled his shoulders back and grinned his most swoon-worthy smile. Both Joyce and Miranda seemed to notice because he saw their lips part ever so slightly.
Yeah, he knew what he was doing. And he didn’t really give a flying fuck.
“Sure, sounds like an interesting weekend,” he said dryly.
“We’ll see if we have time for all that, Mother,” Miranda said, tugging on his arm. “Thanks for checking us in and lessening our load.”
“No problem, darling. Oh, I almost forgot. Guy will be here this weekend. Make sure you spend some time with him. We don’t want him to feel unwanted.”
Of course, Guy would be here.
It only made sense.
“I’m sure Guy can take care of himself, Mother. He’s a big boy.”
“You never want to be rude, darling.”
“No, we wouldn’t, would we, Mother?”
Aaron held back a chuckle and squeezed Madison’s hip. “On that note, let’s go get our key and go check out our room. This place is gorgeous. I can’t wait to see the rest of it.” He nodded at the others. “Ladies.”
He pulled Madison away, keeping his laughter at bay.
“She is shameless,” she whispered beneath her breath.
“Completely. I’m pretty sure I’m going to be a science experiment for these people.”