Page 59 of Seduced in Ink
Because the kinky shit they’d gotten up to last night? The best night of his life. Ever.
And now he had a feeling her father knew everything and would judge him. And probably kill and bury him in the woods out behind the lodge.
It could happen.
He’d read books about it.
But given everything he had done to Madison the night before?
Oh, yeah, Aaron probably deserved it. And more.
“Everybody seems to be taking their time this morning,” Mark said, looking down at his phone. “Which is fine with me. I hate early mornings.”
Aaron pulled Madison’s chair back, letting her sit down before sitting on the other side of her.
She snorted at her father’s words.
“You have worked early every morning for as long as I’ve known you. I don’t actually believe you when you say that you hate early mornings.”
Mark gave her a look that would have sent most people into hysterics, but she just stood her ground.
That was his Madison. Stronger than she knew.
No, not his, he reminded himself. Never his.
“I went to work early so I could come home to you and your mother in the evenings. Just because I did it, didn’t mean I liked it.”
He seemed uncomfortable at his pronouncement before he went back to looking at his phone. Madison pointed at him a couple of times, confusion on her face.
He didn’t blame her. That was almost a declaration of love from the man who Aaron wasn’t sure had ever said those words.
Or maybe he looked too deeply into it.
That’s what he was good at.
“Where’s Mother?” Madison asked as the waiter came around with coffee.
Aaron added cream to his, then took a big gulp, needing the caffeine after the night they’d had. They hadn’t gotten much sleep, and when Madison took a big gulp of hers as well, he knew she was feeling it, too. Hopefully, her father wouldn’t notice.
“She’ll be over soon. She needed to talk with Joyce about one of the committees that she’s running.” He sounded dismissive of what Maeve McClard did, but maybe Aaron was wrong. After all, he didn’t like the man. Tolerated his wife even less. But that didn’t mean he understood them. And he didn’t like the way they treated Madison. Or even him, for that matter.
“Okay, do you know what’s on the agenda for today?”
“Not a clue. I have meetings with a few of my clients for most of the day, but I know your mother has something planned. She’ll let you know what you need to do.”
“And I’ll let her know if I’m able.”
“Whatever. Just don’t make your mother angry. I’m not in the mood for that.”
He went back to his phone, texting as quickly as a teenager did, and Aaron gave Madison a look.
She didn’t say anything, simply shook her head. When Maeve finally came to the table, she wasn’t alone.
No, Guy was there.
A smug smile on his face.
Aaron really hated the guy.