Page 88 of Seduced in Ink
After all, he was just as claimed as she was.
“Are you guys going to make out the entire time?” Annabelle asked from his side. He grinned over at his cousin.
“Maybe,” he said. “You got a problem with that?”
Annabelle sighed. “How are we the single ones here?”
She looked over at her brother, Benjamin, who shrugged.
“I don’t know, but with the way they’re all acting all lovey-dovey and swoony, do wewantto be like them?”
Annabelle looked a bit forlorn for a moment, and Aaron had to wonder what that meant. But then she shook her head. “No, I think we’re all just fine being in Fort Collins and happily single without being all weird and mushy.”
“You know those are likely famous last words,” his cousin from Denver said. He looked over at Maya—looking radiant as always with her ink and piercings—and saw how she stood between her two men. She had a glow about her that said that she was happily in love and settled into her marriage with her two men while raising their babies.
“I think we’re doing just fine without a happily ever after. Without a ball and chain,” Benjamin said.
Aaron winced. “Oh, no. Don’t call a woman that. Or a man. Anyone. Ever. That just gets you into trouble.”
One of Maya’s husband’s snorted. “Yes, and then you end up sleeping on the couch, not even in the guestroom. The couch. With a puny blanket and no pillow.”
“Damn straight,” Maya said, laughing.
“What are we doing over here?” his mother asked as she came up, kissing everybody on the cheek. His father was right behind her, grinning like a fool.
His parents were proud as punch tonight, and Aaron couldn’t blame them.
He and Lincoln had decided to do an art show together, reminiscent of what Lincoln had done all those months ago. This time, however, it showcased both of them.
They had almost gotten Liam to do a reading and Bristol to play something for them, but they both had said no—very firmly, in fact.
He just laughed, knowing that if Madison and his mother had their way, there would be time for that later.
“We were just discussing who would be next to find their spouse,” Maya said.
“Well, as soon as all of my ducklings are finally through their weddings, I’m sure I can talk to my sister-in-law and get on that,” his mother said. Annabelle and Benjamin shared a look and then grimaced.
“Please do not get her started,” Annabelle pleaded.
“I will do no such thing. I’ve always wanted my babies married and having babies, and now…look at us. You’re all happy and thrilled and showing off your talents to the world. I could not be prouder.”
His mother dabbed at her eyes with his father’s handkerchief, and Aaron barely resisted the urge to roll his. Instead, he kissed Madison’s temple and leaned into her as his siblings circled them, joining in on the conversation.
Somehow, each of them had found their happiness when and where they were least expecting it.
Liam and Arden leaned into one another sharing a sly secret between them. It was one that Aaron knew only because he had forced it out of Arden, but he knew the rest would learn soon enough.
Ethan, Holland, and Lincoln each grinned at one another, sharing another secret that he knew would be revealed soon.
Marcus and Bristol looked blissful as they joked with Annabelle and Benjamin about something.
Even Bristol’s ex Zia had shown up with her girlfriend Meredith, the two looking like models right off the catwalk.
He had even seen Madison give them a second glance, and that made Aaron even hotter. He couldn’t wait to tease her about it later in bed.
There was even a new triad in the group, Ethan’s and Marcus’s friends from work, who were now together with a third. He was very interested in hearing that story. Maybe one day at another barbecue, Ronin would explain exactly how he’d ended up in bliss with two others.
Nobody batted an eye in this family when it came to triads, so they were in safe company.