Page 31 of Far from Destined
“I understand,” Macon said, and I tried not to take in the tableaux in front of me. Macon looking so large and yet caring with my little boy in his arms.
Joshua had never had a father, and Macon wasn’t going to be it. I didn’t want to get married. I didn’t want a dad for Joshua.
I didn’t want that connection.
Only…was I making a mistake?
“I think it’s past your bedtime,” Macon mentioned, bringing me out of my thoughts.
I checked the clock and winced. “It is, little man.”
“But, Mom…” Joshua whined, and I shook my head.
“If I hear any updates, I will let you know. But Constance’s family is with her, and it’s going to be a long night. You need your sleep so you’re all strong and ready to go tomorrow.”
“Can Macon tuck me in?” Joshua asked, wrapping his arms around Macon’s neck like a little octopus.
I met Macon’s gaze, wondering what this feeling was inside me.
Macon gave me a questioning glance, and I nodded. “Of course. He’s here. Now let’s see how he does with the whole bedtime routine.”
“I’ll be good, I promise.”
“Well, at least he made that promise for someone,” I said dryly as Joshua ran off to brush his teeth.
“You sure it’s okay?” Macon asked.
“I think Joshua just needs people around right now. It’s fine.”
“And are we going to talk about what happens tomorrow?” Macon asked.
“Nothing,” I whispered.
Nothing happens tomorrow.
“Are we going to talk about what happenedtonight?” Macon asked.
“I don’t know,” I whispered honestly. “I just need to make sure my son’s okay.”
“We can do that. And then we’ll figure out what comes next.”
With a tight nod, Macon followed my son to help with his bedtime routine, and I wondered just how this had happened.
And what the hell I was going to do about it.
Chapter 8
Something soft wason top of me. A warm weight that cuddled closer, and my dick hardened at the movement. This had to be a dream. Because all I wanted to do was let my hands travel and gently cup her ass, make it so she spread her legs so I could piston into her as we both came.
I was warm and sleepy and content.
And not awake.
“Macon.” My eyes shot open at the little whispered sound, and I turned my head to the right to see Joshua bent over me, his nose an inch from mine.