Page 50 of Far from Destined
And I didn’t know when or if I’d be back. I’d ignored Bob’s calls, instead texting back to say I was taking some time off. Hopefully, he’d believe me and let it go. I didn’t know what the right answer was, but worrying Dakota even more than she already was wasn’t it.
“The more you glower over there, the more likely it is Dakota will walk away,” Prior said from my side. I frowned and looked over at my brother.
We were at Cross’s house, all of us having gathered for dinner to discuss the game plans for keeping Joshua and Dakota safe.
Dakota hadn’t been a fan of everybody rallying around her, but somehow, Myra had convinced her that it was the only choice. Adam had left that note two days ago, and nothing had been done. The detective hadn’t said much, and Adam was still allowed out on parole, wandering free to terrorize Dakota.
Now, all of my siblings and the pact sisters were at Cross’s home, although Arden and Liam were out of town and couldn’t join. I’d had to bring the mama cat and her four kittens with me because I couldn’t leave them at the vet clinic. They were all healthy, the mama cat was unchipped, and there weren’t any flyers or notices in any of the groups that we were part of that matched her description. So far, she was a stray, and nobody was coming to claim her.
I didn’t know where she would end up, but I was watching her and the babies for now. And Joshua was in love. Hell, every person in this house had already held a baby, petted the mama cat, and were cooing and falling head over heels.
If I wasn’t careful, I would end up with a whole clowder instead of the cat or dog I’d thought to adopt earlier. Though that was if my siblings didn’t take one for themselves.
“I’m not glowering,” I said after a moment, remembering Nate’s snark.
“You’re scowling, but that’s fine.”
“Can I please name her?” Joshua asked, nearly bouncing on his feet.
Dakota glanced at me across the living room and gave me a pleading look.
I cleared my throat. “How about this, Joshua?” I began. “If we still can’t find her family by next week, we will pick a name for her because I have a feeling she’s going to be staying with me.”
Dakota’s brows rose, but then Joshua started to do a little dance in the living room, kicking out his feet.
“Now you’ve gone and done it,” Nate muttered.
“I can’t let an animal go back out onto the street or into a shelter if I can help. You know this. And it has nothing to do with Dakota.”
“That’s a lie,” Nate muttered, but then he was gone, and the others were kneeling and playing with the kittens or working on dinner.
I went over to Dakota and lowered my head. “Sorry if I went too far.”
“No, I want her to be safe, as well. And you are going to be a great cat dad. You already said you were looking for a pet, well now, one’s fallen into your lap. Or rather mine, and you’re helping me.”
“I don’t know about all the kittens, but we’ll find them homes if I can’t handle them.”
“I know we will. Or ratheryouwill. But I don’t think everybody came here to discuss the cats.” She gave me a strained smile, and I ran my hand through her hair.
I nodded tightly. “No, we are here to talk about you.”
“And that’s a great segue,” Myra said, coming up to us.
“What kind of segue is needed?” Dakota asked, and I instinctively leaned closer to her so we were side by side.
Myra noticed the action, and I just stared at her. I didn’t need her judging me. I did that enough to myself as it was.
“We are here today to ensure that we can make a plan.” She glanced over at Joshua, who was playing with the kittens. Hazel cleared her throat.
“Hey, Joshua, will you help me move the box of kittens to the dining room? I want them to be in there while we’re eating in case they need anything. I don’t know if cats and food go well together, but we’re going to make it work.” Hazel clapped her hands.
Hopefully, Joshua didn’t notice the tension in the room as we all helped them move the cats into the dining area. Before Myra could continue, however, my phone rang, and I looked down at it and cursed.
I nearly declined the man’s call, but figured he’d just keep calling, and I’d never get rid of him.
“Just answer it,” Nate said, meeting my gaze.
“It’s Bob,” I replied, as everybody gave me weird looks.