Page 57 of Far from Destined
“What just gave you that look? What were you thinking?” he asked, hesitance in his voice.
I looked up at him, past the scar I knew he thought I was staring at.
“I was thinking about you fucking me after you fought. And I knew it was wrong.” I reached out and gently laid my hand over his scar. He twitched, freezing. “Macon, I wasn’t thinking about this. Unless you want me to. I was just thinking about you.”
He put his hand over mine and squeezed. “I want to see you.”
“Then do. And touch me. Because I don’t think I can wait any longer.”
Who was this woman? I had been on dates before, a couple after Adam. I’d had sex before. I liked it. I used to think I was good at sex.
But this woman? The one who spoke as if she couldn’t get enough and said what she wanted?
It didn’t feel like me.
But I loved it.
He stripped off my shirt, and then his hands were on my breasts over my bra. I moaned, letting my head fall back.
“You’re so beautiful.”
“I have stretch marks from Joshua. I’m not a skinny little model. You’re all hard and fit. I’m not exactly that.”
“You’re fucking beautiful, and if you put yourself down one more time, I’m going to toss you over my knee and spank you.”
My eyes widened. “Macon Brady. Is that your kink?” I asked with a laugh that wasn’t so much full of humor as intrigue. I pressed my thighs tighter around his hips at the thought. I was not into spanking, but the idea of Macon doing it? That, I might need to imagine.
“It’s not, but the idea of my hand on that ass of yours? I may have to try.”
And then he kissed me again, and my bra was off. He moved to his knees in front of me, my desk low enough that he was able to kiss up my stomach. I leaned down, just enough so he could play with my breasts.
He kept licking and then undid my pants. We maneuvered, and then he was standing again, and I was left in my panties, his lips on my breasts, sucking, the sensations going straight to my pussy.
“I have a condom in my bag,” he whispered, the growl tightening my core.
I looked up at him, blushing. “You always carry a condom with you?” I asked. “Not that I’m judging. Because I like safe sex, I like sex period. And I really want to have sex right now. I can’t believe I’m talking so quickly or even saying any of this out loud.”
“I kind of like you talking out loud like this. I didn’t expect it, but I should have. As for the condom, I always keep a few in my bag. Mostly because my roommate in college went on to be an obstetrician, and his mother always used to hand us condoms, making us promise we’d carry them with us at all times. It became a thing.”
That made me laugh, and then I groaned when he slid his hands over my panties.
“I’m so fucking happy that I listened.”
“The woman’s a saint. I should bake her something. I’ll send it to her.”
“She’d like that. Especially if you tell her why.” He slid a finger inside me, and I groaned.
“Oh, yes, bake her a cupcake, send it to her, and tell her thank you for all the condoms.” He slid another finger inside me. “You’re so fucking wet, Dakota.”
“I swear I’m always wet when you’re around. Even when I pretend I’m not.”
“You don’t need to pretend with me.”
“And when this is over?”
“Don’t. We’re not going to talk about that.” And then he kissed me, slid another finger inside me, and I came.