Page 70 of Far from Destined
Macon grinned, handed me a perfectly made cup, and kissed me square on the mouth.
“Do it again! Do it again!”
I turned to Joshua, my eyes wide. “Excuse me?”
“Kiss, kiss!”
“Well, I think we have to do what he says.” Macon leaned down, and I pressed my finger to his lips.
“What have you two been up to?” I looked over at Joshua. “Why do you want me to kiss Macon?”
“Because he makes you smile. And I like him. And if he kisses you, then maybe he could stay. And then the cats can stay.”
I held back a laugh, and the light in Macon’s eyes danced. Of course, it would be about the cats.
I let my hand fall, and Macon kissed me softly, just a chaste peck before going back to the stove where he had eggs cooking and toast in the toaster oven.
“Eggs and toast?” I asked.
“We already ate ours. This is for you. I’m taking the kittens and Mama Cat back to my office today, and then we’ll see about some more permanent accommodations.”
“You mean here, right?” Joshua asked, a smile on his face.
“Joshua, darling…”
“I know. They can’t stay here because we are renting, and it’s not our house, and we’re never home. But I still want to be able to visit.”
“I’m sure we can find a way,” Macon said before I could speak up. I gave Macon a look, but he shrugged.
“We haven’t found Mama Cat’s owners, so it looks like you’re looking at them.”
I shook my head, my heart breaking and shattering in happiness.
He was just too good for me. And I had no idea why I thought that.
Hewasn’ttoo good for me. I couldn’t let myself believe that I was less than.
And yet, it was all I could do not to lean into him and beg him to stay.
So, I wouldn’t. After all, I didn’t even know what I wanted for sure.
“Okay, well, it seems that you guys have everything worked out.”
“We do. And I’m going to drop this kiddo off at school before I head to work like usual, and you are going to go open up the shop so I can have all the coffee.”
“Jason and Pop are opening today. I’m closing.”
“Myra’s picking him up from school?” Macon asked, and I nodded, taking a bite of toast. It was like we were husband and wife, talking about our son and the day’s plans.
I still wasn’t sure how this had happened, or really what I felt about it, but I wasn’t going to bite my nose off to spite my face. Nor would I run away simply because I was scared. I was done running.
I just needed to make sure that my family was safe. And that meant keeping an eye on Joshua at all times.
I leaned down and kissed Joshua on the top of the head, and then kissed Macon on the cheek.
“I should go.”
“Hold on,” he said, then made a little sandwich, stuffed it into a baggy, and handed it to me.