Page 20 of From Our First
“Why?” Macon asked.
“I don’t know why you set us up in the first place. We’re allowed to be friends and nothing more. And it’s not like you and Dakota, where the girls set you up so you could talk out your feelings before Dakota went on a real date. Myra wants true happiness and a future and all that shit.”
I hated the words even as I said them, but I knew they were true.
“And she can’t have that with you?” Cross asked casually.
Was it too nonchalant? What did he know?
Again, I didn’t look at Arden.
“Let’s make sure Myra and I can figure out how to be friends. I don’t mind going on another date. Eventually. Only not with her.”
“I think you protest too much,” Prior said, taking another sip of his beer.
“And I think I could probably still take you. I can’t take Cross or Macon, especially since Macon’s been boxing. But I can take your scrawny ass.”
“Just don’t break the beer bottles. If you do, I’ll be the one cleaning it up. Like always,” Arden said, and I shook my head, holding back a laugh.
“So, you’re not taking my side? You’re my twin. You don’t think I can take him?” I asked.
“I want no part of this. Because I think you’re all weird. But I love you.”
“And we love you,” I said, kissing her on the top of the head.
“Oh, thank you,” she said, snuggling into my side. “And I will help you find the perfect date. Because you deserve happiness, Nate. Although, we may have to do something about that haircut of yours.”
I gasped as my brothers laughed. I knew she was teasing me. They all were. It’s what we did. And as they went over who might want to go on a date with me, I did my best not to think about Myra. Something that was getting harder and harder to do these days.
I hated the idea that I couldn’t get her out of my head.
Chapter 5
I was late.Seriously late. But if I weren’t careful, I would end up passed out and late. Nobody wanted that.
I cringed as I looked at the line outside of Starbucks and then glanced around the commons, wondering if there was another coffee shop near. I had been on this campus for two years, but I couldn’t think of a single place to get coffee that might not have a line.
Could I have had coffee at my house? Absolutely.
Could I have picked up coffee on my way here? No doubt.
But I could not find any memory of thinking of that while on my way to campus.
I needed caffeine. It was the only way I was going to make it through organic chemistry.
Organic chemistry was made for people who thought they liked math and science, and then they put it all in this weird combination of things that apparently had to do with electrons. I didn’t know.
I just needed to memorize my reactions so I could pass my test and move on to more important things.
Like anything other than organic chemistry.
“Damn it,” I mumbled, looking down at my phone to check the time.