Page 79 of From Our First
Relief filled me, but I didn’t want to believe it. “Are you sure?” I asked, a coppery taste on my tongue. It was stress, I knew that, but I felt like I might throw up.
“They can still file to contest the will through another lawyer, but their current attorney has dropped the case. That means, for now, we’re going forward with everything. We’re doing everything by the book, but you and Lacey, as well as the others in the will, should be fine.”
“What? I can’t believe their lawyer would tell them to drop it.”
“He was also your grandmother’s lawyer in California. She may have had someone here to handle the will, but he worked closely with her in California. He likely knew everything, and because he couldn’t tell his clients, your parents are now realizing they don’t have a leg to stand on. They may try for something later, but for now, you’re free and clear. I know we have a lot to discuss with the estate and the charities and other things on the docket, and we’ll get there eventually. But you’re not alone in this, Myra. I just wanted to let you know.”
I said a few words, thanking him and saying I would be in touch soon. And then, I tried to catch my breath.
I wasn’t alone.
He’d said the words, and they were true.
Oh, my parents would keep trying to take what Grandma Sharon left. They would do something. And they would never go away, even if I cut all ties to them. But this was one small victory, a bit of the weight off my shoulders.
I felt like I could breathe again, and it reminded me how much of an idiot I was when it came to Nate.
I needed to tell him about this. I needed to tell him so much.
I looked down at my phone, considered texting him to say I was on my way over, but I didn’t want him to push me away. Instead, I pulled out my purse and tucked my feet into my shoes. I would meet him at his house and find a way to grovel. He had been the one to grovel before. Now, it was my turn.
I only hoped he didn’t hate me. I couldn’t go back to the feelings we’d had before. The animosity between us. It wouldn’t be good for either of us—or the family we had made.
The doorbell rang, and my heart flew into my throat. Was it Nate? I hoped to hell it was.
I practically ran to the front door and pulled it open with a flourish, but it wasn’t him.
“Hey, cuz. We need to talk.” He pushed his way into my living room, knocking me back slightly as he did. I staggered. He closed the door behind him and locked it, and fear crawled up my spine.
“Roland, you need to go. I did not say you could enter my home.”
“Yourhome.Yourwill. Everything is allyours. Just like it’s always been. Miss perfect Myra. She gets everything she wants. I’m not surprised that this went in your favor. You probably blew the judge and the lawyers and everybody else to get what you wanted. You’ve always been good on your knees.”
I grimaced, shaking my head. “I don’t know where you’re getting this, but you need to go. I know you’re angry, but this has nothing to do with me.”
He moved forward so quickly I almost missed it. His arm lashed out, and he hit my cheek hard. I moved back, falling to the floor. My phone fell out of my hands, skidding across the hardwood. I reached up and cupped my face, the sting shocking, the skin warm.
“Did you…hit me?” I asked, gasping.
“Shut up. Just shut the fuck up. How dare you? Howdareyou leave this family and think you can have everything. I don’t know what you said to our dear old grandmother, but you are not taking this from me. I need that money. And now, I have nothing. All because you are a fucking whore.”
He lashed out again, but this time, I covered my face, blocking him.
“Stop it. Go away.”
I moved to get my phone, but he shoved me. I fell to my knees, the wood sending pinpricks of pain through my body. My wrist turned, and I fell, screaming out in pain as my shoulder hit the floor.
I scrambled up, ignoring the pain in my shoulder and wrist and knee. “What is wrong with you?”
“You’ve taken everything from me. I need that money. Without it, I’m broke. I tried to make you understand before, but you didn’t listen. I even thought if I could get you out of the way when I ran that stop sign, it would help, but it didn’t. Then, when I saw you at the concert? I figured I’d find a way to make you see reason. How the hell am I supposed to survive on nothing? You took everything, and now you’re going to pay.”
There was madness in his eyes, a darkness that was unlike anything I had ever seen before. He’d tried to hurt me? All those times I’d thought I’d only been seeing things, but he’d been right there. Waiting. Watching. Trying to hurt me.
I struggled to get up again, then pushed at him, kicking at him with my high heel. He groaned, slapping at me, but I was faster than he was this time. He blocked the front door, but I could still go out the back. I ran, looking for my phone but unable to reach it. I had a landline back there if I could get to it. I needed to get away from Roland. Call the authorities. Do something.
He was twice my size, and so much stronger. I wasn’t able to fight back effectively, but I could run.