Page 27 of Inked Obsession
“Yes, but it’s just a little one. I have stuff coming up in the next couple of months.”
“Do you want to take a vacation?” he asked, and I frowned.
“A vacation?”
“You haven’t taken a break. We talked about it. While the guys and I are figuring out exactly who this Natasha person is, why don’t you take a vacation? You know the date.”
I froze and looked at my wall calendar.
In ten days, things would change. In ten days, I would hit the anniversary of Marshall’s death. I hadn’t even thought about it.
It was amazing how quickly things had shifted. How priorities changed and lives were altered forever.
“You want me to run.”
“No, but I think it’ll be a lot if you’re there. Maybe being alone on vacation would be good, or sitting on a beach in the sun would be perfect for you. Just let me know. My friend is a hotel manager at a luxury resort. I can work things for you. You just need to let me know, and I’ll get you there. I know you don’t want to move to Texas, and I understand that, even if it makes me growly. You should see the sun. You need to breathe. Remember that you’re loved. And be reminded of who you are. I love you, little sister. And if you need a break, I’ll make it happen. And if you don’t? That’s fine, too. Just let me know. I’m always here for you, Eliza. I love you.”
I swallowed hard but didn’t cry. I didn’t want to cry again.
As I listened to my brother speak, I realized that maybe he was right. Perhaps I needed to get away. Needed to just…be. For once.
Chapter 9
“Why am I here again?” I asked, flat on my back as I lifted the bar. Benjamin hovered over me, spotting me as I finished my set. He guided the bar into the brackets and sighed.
“Because we should actually hang out every once in a while in a place that doesn’t have to do with alcohol?” he answered in a question.
“And you missed me,” Archer said as he worked on arm presses. His boyfriend, an older man that I still didn’t really know but liked given what I saw, stood on the other side of him, watching him. I didn’t know if he was spotting him or just enjoying the view.
The two had been together for over a year now, and I was honestly surprised that Marc was here. He rarely hung out with us these days because he was so busy. He worked long hours, and whatever time he had off, he wanted to spend with Archer. I understood that, but it meant that I got to know Colton, Paige’s boyfriend, a little better than Marc.
Of course, as I watched other random gym members giving my little brother looks, as well as some of us, I figured that maybe that made sense. Marc wasmarkinghis territory, and I was just along for the ride.
Colton and Lee were at another set of weights, Lee on the bench, Colton spotting him. This was only our third or fourth time coming to the gym as a group, and I liked it. Yes, my brain was in a thousand different places, but I was enjoying myself. It was nice to get out, like Benjamin had said—and actually see each other.
“Sorry I’m late,” Jacob said as he came to our side. He winced as he looked at us. “Or maybe not. I hate lifting.”
“Maybe you should do legs first. Looks like you constantly skip leg days,” Archer said with a wink. Jacob flipped him off casually but made sure nobody actually saw him do so except for us. No need to accidentally flip off one of the bodybuilders in the other corner and get the Montgomerys involved in a fistfight with people who could probably kick our asses.
“Aww, that’s so nice. Thank you, brother mine,” Archer said, fluttering his eyelashes.
“You still got another rep to go,” Marc grumbled, and Archer blushed.
“Sorry, I’m on it.” Archer ducked his head and actually stopped teasing for once. I met Benjamin’s gaze before I sat up and rolled my shoulders back.
Archer liked to tease, it was his thing, but maybe he was growing up. Or Marc was an asshole. I didn’t actually know. I had been so lost in my head recently, I hadn’t spent nearly enough time with Archer and his boyfriend. Maybe that needed to change.
My temples began throbbing, and I knew it had more to do with why I wasn’t sleeping than my brother and his boyfriend—or any of my other family members.
Lee caught my eye this time, and I knew he probably knew what I was thinking about. How was I supposed to tell them? How could I tell them that I’d been keeping secrets? As it was, I was fucking up with Brenna. I might as well continue fucking up with everybody else.
“Okay, your turn,” I said, shaking my head. I looked up at Benjamin, who shrugged and sat down on the bench.
“Just don’t drop the damn thing on me,” he growled.
I winked. “Would I do that to you? Why would I hurt that pretty face?”