Page 76 of Inked Obsession
Paige and Colton came in next, as my little sister wrung her hands together. “I’m so sorry you were hurt. We should have been there.”
“And then my little sister could have been hurt.”
“I wanted to say thank you for helping my friend’s new restaurant out. Fuck, man,” Colton said shaking his head. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s not your fault. I hope your friend’s place can recover.”
Colton sighed. “We’ll make it work. I’m going to help out where I can.”
“Wewill,” Paige said and gripped his hand tightly. Colton gave her a small smile and squeezed back.
“Thanks, babe.” Colton turned to me. “I’m going to go make sure she gets some sleep. None of your family has gotten any sleep tonight.”
“Yes, take care of my baby sister.” I emphasized the words, and Colton smiled softly before practically carrying Paige out of the room.
Archer was next, but he walked in alone, stuffing his hands into his pockets. “I should have been there,” he whispered.
I gritted my teeth in annoyance at the familiar refrain—and maybe a bit from the pain. “I’m glad you weren’t. I wouldn’t be okay if something had happened to you.”
“I was with Marc. I wasn’t with you. I should have been with you.” My baby brother spoke, but I didn’t think he saw me just then. Damn it. I was going to be okay, but it seemed as if none of my family was at the moment.
“And then you would have been hurt. Just what I told Paige. Stop it. I’m going to be fine.”
“Anything you need, you just ask. Clay was in here for a minute, and so was Riggs, actually,” Archer said with a quick wink, reminding me of his old self. “Clay said he’s going to step up and do whatever you need at the office and the sites since you’ll be out of commission for a while.”
That made me groan. “Hell.”
“Don’thellme. Once you can get back to work, you’ll be sitting and not touching anything. Clay and I will handle it all. We’ve got you. As do Benjamin, Annabelle, and Paige. You’ve got a good team. We can take care of you.”
“I’m the big brother. I’m supposed to take care of you.”
“Now it’s my turn.” Archer leaned down, smacked a kiss on my cheek, and stood up. “Marc wanted to be here, but he had to go in to work. He hopes you’re okay.”
“Tell him I’m fine. And tell yourself that, too.”
“I don’t know if I believe that. I will, eventually.”
Archer left, and then Annabelle and Jacob came in. And while I liked seeing my family and was glad they were here, I really wanted to see Eliza. Why wasn’t she here? And why wasn’t Brenna here?
I loved my family, but Jesus Christ, I wanted to see my people.
“I’m not going to say I wish I was there because, apparently, that’s what everyone keeps saying,” Annabelle rambled quickly.
I held back a laugh and groaned. “Good, because if you did, I’d have to beat Jacob up for allowing a pregnant woman to be part of this.”
“Don’t you worry, she wouldn’t have been anywhere near that. I’m glad you’re okay,” my brother-in-law said, and I nodded.
“I am. Now, go get some sleep. And take care of my future nieces or nephews. Or niece and nephew.”
“I love you, brother mine,” she said softly before kissing me. Then, the two walked out.
Either the hospital would stop letting people visit soon, or Brenna and Eliza would be next. I looked up as Brenna walked in, and relief and anxiety speared me.
“I’m glad you’re okay,” she said, her voice soft. “That was so scary. I never want to do or see that again.”
“I’m all right,” I said and reached out to grip her hand. “I’m really glad that you are. The car could have hit you, too.”
“No, your brother took care of that.” She had an odd look on her face and shook her head. “I love you, Beckett.”