Page 50 of Dawn Unearthed
“Because we haven’t made a decision one way or another,” I said softly.
“And because the burden isn’t one I know the details of yet to share.” He shook his head, and I wanted to reach out and hold him, only I didn’t know if I’d help. He cleared his throat. “Trace, Alden, Ash, Jaxton, and I pretty much roamed all over town and figured out where we fit. Being an EMT, Trace helps with healing, Alden is better with numbers and is an accountant, and Jaxton and I fix what we can around town. Ash, well, Ash was Ash.”
I frowned. “Laurel’s brother?”
“Yeah, he left town a few years ago and hasn’t been back since. He grew up with us until things changed.”
It sounded like every word he said was being pulled from him, so I didn’t push. I didn’t ask. I didn’t want to hurt him. I hated that he sounded so pained while thinking about his friend.
“Now, are you going to show me some magic?” he asked, and I bit my lip.
“Maybe. Let’s make sure I don’t accidentally blow something up.”
“You don’t have an affinity for fire or earth. I think I’m good with water.”
“Unless I drown you,” I singsonged.
He snorted. “Bears can swim.”
“Whatever you say.” I let out a breath and held up my hands.
“Guardians of the west, lend me your strength. Lord and Lady, lend me your ear. Shape this element into a sphere. Great Undine of water and sea, this is my will, so mote it be.”
Rome leaned closer towards me, and I could feel the heat of him. I felt his bear. I knew that no matter what happened, he would be there. I wasn’t alone. A small sphere of water levitated over the pond, and I kept my eyes open, watching as it spun in a circle, flicking off little droplets as it did. I moved the ball from palm to palm, not letting it brush my skin but feeling as if I were struggling with a single ball.
Rome let out a rough chuckle, and I tossed the sphere towards him. He stumbled back, but I didn’t get him wet. Instead, I pulled the water toward me and rose another sphere into the air. I juggled the two, but I could feel my energy drifting a bit, so I let them fall gently into the pond.
“You learned that today?” he asked, his eyes wide.
I rubbed my palms on my pants, magic itching through my body. I was full of energy, my body tight, my breasts full. I needed him, the energy pulsating through me reaching for him. His nostrils flared, and I knew that he could scent me. Sense the power, theneedwithin me.
“I learned that today. But this?Thisis new. I didn’t have this when I practiced with Rowen.”
“Using that much magic? With that much skill? Oh, yeah, it can pull you against something. And with me here? I can see why.”
That made me laugh. “You’re saying you’re the reason I feel like I need to climb you like a tree right now?” I asked, surprising myself.
That seemed to surprisehimbecause he threw his head back and laughed, a deep bellow that made me smile. “Now that’s an image. And you’re always welcome to climb me like a tree, Sage.”
“Will using magic always do this to me?”
He shook his head. “No. But sometimes, with the right elements around? It can.”
“Oh. Good.” And then I jumped. I couldn’t help it. Energy and need coursed through me. I could barely hold it back.
Rome caught me, though I seemed to have surprised him. He didn’t move back. He was so strong, hard, and he held me, one hand cupping my ass as I wrapped my legs around him. I pressed my lips to him, and his mouth parted. I groaned, exploring him, needing him. He squeezed my ass, and his other hand moved to grasp the back of my neck. He tilted my head, deepening the kiss, and I groaned, needing more.
“Sage,” he whispered.
“Need this. Need. This.” I didn’t care if it was magic or the shifter bonds I didn’t understand.It was real.This feeling wasn’t fake or contrived. Between us was desire I had been ignoring since I first saw him, and it had only built on itself as I learned more about myself and him.
I needed this. Needed him. Rome kept kissing me, my body shaking, his hands roaming.
I let my hands drift down to his shoulders and squeezed, and then moved them around to his back, letting my fingernails scrape him before grasping his hair. I kept exploring him, needing to touch him. He was so much taller, that if he hadn’t been holding me like this, it likely would have been hard on me to kiss him.
He was so strong. He could touch me, do anything right now, and I probably would nearly fall over the edge. He kissed me again, and then he broke away, panting, his forehead pressed to mine.
“Whoa,” he whispered.