Page 59 of Dawn Unearthed
There was a bit of a rumble in her voice. I knew she didn’t trust him. I didn’t know if I did either, not after everything that had happened.
“Thank you for doing this.”
“She’s going to be our alpha. Of course, I’ll protect her. She’ll be good for our pack.”
I tilted my head and studied her face. “You believe that?”
“Of course, I do. Not everybody’s as backwards as Alden.” She winced. “Sorry. I try not to say bad things about him to your face.”
I held back a curse. “No, you need to speak your mind. And I’m the alpha. I need to listen, no matter the topic. Keep Sage safe. I’ll check in later.”
“We’ll keep her safe, but you do the same for yourself.”
And with that, she walked around the back of the cottage where I could already sense Sage. It seemed she wanted to introduce herself to her protectors. I liked that. And I hoped to hell more people were on a page similar to Ariel.
I got into my car and made my way back to my home, aware that I had a thousand other things to do. But first, I needed to check in with the rest of my pack—although I had done a lot of that with Ariel. And then I needed to find Ash.
I pulled in front of my house and shook my head. Seemed I didn’t need to look far for Ash. He’d found me.
The sorcerer stood on my front porch, coffee in hand as he spoke with Jaxton and Trace. If Alden were there, our group would be complete. I didn’t think Alden would come tonight, though, not after everything that had happened. I didn’t really understand what my brother wanted these days.
I turned off my car and got out, growling. “So… you’re back.”
Ash looked at me then, his dark hair falling over his eyes before he pushed it back. His blue eyes seemed unnaturally bright today, as if they held magic in them. Maybe they did. I didn’t understand Laurel’s brother, my former best friend, anymore. Then again, what had happened to Ash hadn’t been his fault, and I didn’t know how to fix it.
“I came because I was called,” Ash said, his voice low, devoid of feeling.
“By who?” Jaxton asked, leaning forward.
“By the town. I’m still connected to Ravenwood, even if I don’t live here or have any other connections.”
“I’m glad you’re back.” Trace hugged the other man, his shoulders loosening. Ash slowly reached out and returned the hug before moving away.
“So, the town called you,” I said, leaning forward. Jaxton silently handed me a cup of coffee, even though it was my mug, my cream, sugar, and beans, but every one of my friends acted like my place was theirs. I did the same with theirs, so I didn’t mind.
“Yes, the darkness has finally come. And I have a feeling this is only the beginning.”
“That wasn’t cryptic at all,” Trace said, and Jaxton snorted, sipping his drink.
I shook my head. “Where are you staying?”
“I have a place. I always have a place.”
Ash was a near-billionaire real estate developer and business owner. He had homes all over the world, and Laurel helped with most of them, though she did so within Ravenwood’s wards. It was a family business, and Ash had made it even more remarkable. Ash did everything ruthlessly but still legally. Laurel was the one who kept them moral. Ash couldn’t help himself, though. That was who he was, given what had happened to him. A curse that’d changed the very essence of someone made for profound consequences.
“So, what happened?” Ash asked.
Trace sighed and began marking off critical points with his fingers. “A woman named Faith brought revenants, she’s a necromancer and is working with a man named Oriel, someone we’ve never heard of. He keeps attacking Rome’s mate.”
Ash’s gaze went to mine, and a single dark brow rose. “I didn’t sense a bond. I wasn’t sure if that was because of me and who I am, or if it wasn’t there.”
My heart broke for him, even as I wanted to growl. “The mating bond isn’t settled yet. I’m courting her.”
“Interesting way to go about it,” Jaxton said, not looking at me.
I wanted to push the bird off the porch railing, but I refrained.
Ash frowned, a subtle gesture that he quickly blinked away. “You should mark her quickly, just to keep her safe.”