Page 22 of Inked Devotion
“What can you say? You’re still a jerk,” I said with a laugh.
They brought our margaritas and nachos soon after, and each of us ordered a different platter that we could share. It would be far too much food for me, but I knew how much Benjamin and Beckett could eat. We were not going to have leftovers. I wasn’t even sure if we had a small fridge in our hotel room.
“Now that we have service, I forgot I need to text my family and let them know we might be late.”
“We put in time for sightseeing, so we won’t be that late.”
“We’ll have to see what happens tomorrow.”
“I’ll text Beckett so he can let the other Montgomerys know so you don’t have to deal with that.”
“Well, at least they know we’ll be safe, right?”
“That’s the goal,” I said as I sipped my margarita and texted my mom.
“Annabelle has already texted back to make sure that we’re safe. We are,” Benjamin said as he shook his head and set the phone down. “I told them we were eating, but the group chat is going to go insane.”
My phone started buzzing, and I sighed. “It looks like I am part of the group chat now.”
“You’re an honorary Montgomery. You’re going to be part of the family group chats.”
“I sure do love your family,” I said, as I took a big gulp of my margarita, feeling warm.
“I love my family too,” he said, taking a bite of the nachos. “We can be a little overbearing sometimes, but it’s what we do.”
I smiled, feeling warm and happy and full of nachos. Our dinners came, as did our third margaritas. I was feeling a little buzzed, a little warm, and knew I should probably slow down. Neither one of us had touched our work. Instead, we talked and just enjoyed each other’s company. I didn’t get to see this side of Benjamin too often, the one that let himself go and laugh out loud. Every time he smiled or laughed, women would look over at him as if drawn to him, and I understood. I was the same way.
He drew your attention no matter what he did.
I thought maybe I shouldn’t have another drink, but I did, because why not? There was nothing else I could do that evening. Benjamin did the same, and while I knew his tolerance was more than mine, his eyes were warm as well, and I couldn’t help but wonder what would happen if we had another.
When the place began to fill up, I was full and a little drunk.
Maybe a lot drunk. I wasn’t quite sure. We paid, tipped well, and slowly meandered our way over to the hotel.
“Those margaritas were a bit strong,” I said, as I leaned into him.
“I’ve got you, Brenna,” he whispered.
“Good,” I whispered back. And why did all of that sound so warm and delightful?
We made our way through the lobby as people were still milling about, talking to one another, or looking as if they would be sleeping there.
Somehow we were at the hotel room door, having taken the elevator, and then we were inside and not ready to end the night.
“So now what?”
“A movie?” he asked as he picked up the remote. He then bent down and looked and picked up his cooler and opened it.
I snorted. “Are beers after tequila good? Or is it before that gets you sicker?”
“I really can’t think of a rhyme right now,” Benjamin said as he twisted off the cap on one beer and handed it to me.
I took a sip and sighed happily, leaning against the headboard. “You know, I haven’t been drunk in a while. I think I like it.”
“Me too. I’ve been too busy with work and just life to find time to lean back and enjoy it, you know?”
“Exactly,” I said as I moved down to lean against his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around me, and I took another sip of my beer as he did his, and I figured I would fall asleep. He was so warm, and we were there on the bed, cuddling, and I wasn’t quite sure how it happened, but then I was looking up at him, my gaze on his, and I swallowed hard.