Page 75 of Inked Devotion
I tried to get up, and both twins gave me identical glares, so I sat there, nerves racking me at the thought of what could be wrong with Benjamin, the baby, everything.
Before I could say anything, two harried nurses came in and started trying to move Benjamin around, growling at him.
“I need to make sure that the baby’s okay. That Brenna’s okay. I know I’m not supposed to be out of bed, but for fuck’s sake, just let me see her.”
“There’s no need for that kind of language, young man,” an older nurse said as she walked in, a glare on her face. “If you don’t sit down, we’ll make you.”
“Benjamin, stop being an idiot,” Beckett growled, and they shoved Benjamin into the wheelchair behind him.
“I just need to know,” he whispered. “I needed to see you.” Benjamin turned to me, and my heart broke. He was here, bloody and in pain, but he was alive. And I needed to know about the baby.
The room I was in had two beds, with a curtain separating them. The other bed was empty, and with a few pointed questions, and nurses that I would forever be grateful towards, they put Benjamin in the bed next to me.
Another doctor came in and began talking about ultrasounds and checks, but I couldn’t keep up. “We’re going to check for a heartbeat, and together we’re going to get through this. Now Benjamin, sit still and let the nurses take care of you, or they’re not going to let this happen. Do you understand me?”
Her voice was fierce, and we both nodded before Beckett quietly left the room, leaving us with the staff and each other.
The beds were close enough that Benjamin and I could reach out and grip each other’s hands, and I squeezed hard, wanting him closer but knowing we couldn’t be yet.
The nurses worked on him and me, and then the most beautiful sound in the world reached our ears.
“There it is, the heartbeat. Everything looks good here. I’m going to run a few more tests, but the baby looks good here.”
I looked over at Benjamin, and I wept.
Chapter 20
It took over an hour of poking and prodding before they finally left us alone long enough that I could crawl out of bed.
Brenna narrowed her eyes but moved over so I could sit next to her. I no longer had an IV and didn’t need any pain meds. I had a slight concussion, was still attached to all the monitors, but only needed a few stitches on my forehead. Brenna needed stitches on her shoulder, as well as right on her cheekbone, and it might scar depending on how it healed, but we would both be fine.
The baby was fine.
I could barely breathe with the relief shooting through me.
“Hey,” I whispered as I crawled into her bed and held her close. “Everything’s okay.”
“The staff is going to get angry at us again,” she said.
“Maybe, I don’t give a fuck right now. With as much money as the Montgomery’s pour into this hospital with how many times we’re here? We can hold each other for a minute.”
“I’m so sorry,” she blurted.
I frowned. “Why are you sorry?”
“If I hadn’t gotten scared and pushed you away, we wouldn’t have been in the car, and this wouldn’t have happened.”
I leaned down and kissed her brow, the sounds of her screams still echoing in my head. “Stop it. There was an oil slick on the road, and the other guy was going too fast, especially in the rain. He hit us; it wasn’t your fault.”
“Is he okay?”
That was my Brenna, worried about the other guy while she had stitches on her face. “He has a broken leg, but he’s fine. At least that’s what Beckett growled at me.”
“If I hadn’t wanted to leave, we wouldn’t have been in the car. We could have lost the baby.”
“We didn’t. And I wanted to leave, too. I was only there because I wanted to be with you. I always want to be with you, Brenna. Maybe we didn’t go about this the right way, but it’s our way.” I pause. “I love you, Brenna. You’re mine. You and the baby. I love you both. And I know that this isn’t going to be easy. Nothing is, but we can find a path that works for us. I don’t want to lose you, Brenna.”