Page 31 of Mated in Darkness
“I see that they have the human pet,” the man in front of me snarled as the other four men fought Kaylee. She fought back, but they were all strong, far stronger than I thought they should be for humans. Maybe they were wolves or witches. I didn’t know. I didn’t know enough about this world, now I was surrounded by it, not able to do anything but try to protect myself so Kaylee could do what she needed to. There had to be other wolves around, someone to see this, and yet nobody was coming. Yes, we were in the forested area, hidden off to the side, but there had to be others.
“I’m not a pet,” I snarled, finally answering the man in front of me.
“You’re a human fighting with those animals. Maybe they’re the pets, and you’re just their owner? No, looks like the little lady over there is the one that does all the fighting. What do you do? Nothing, except get in our way, Dr. Jason Torres.”
My eyes narrowed. “Excuse me?”
He knew who I was. And that I was a doctor. What the hell was going on? Had I gotten close to figuring out what was going on? Or was I just being paranoid?
“You got a little too close, Jason, but I guess you would’ve known that. But don’t worry, we’ll make sure your little wolf knows exactly what’s coming to her when we do it.”
I growled, the insinuation of what exactly he had just said hit me hard, and I lashed out, slicing the man against the forearm. “Don’t you dare touch her.”
“You think you can protect the little wolf? You’re nothing. Just a human.”
“And you’re not?” I asked, focusing in on what he said.
“You don’t know what I am. I’m not weak like you. Soon, the world will know exactly who we are. And exactly why you can’t be around to tell people what you found.”
I knew it was too late. As soon as he finished those words, Kaylee cried out, but she wasn’t the one bleeding.
I let out a huff of breath as I lurched forward, throwing my knife towards the man. It was all I could do, after all.
He twisted his blade into my guts, the cool knife sliding into my skin like warm butter. What an odd thing to think.
I was dying. This had to be death.
I fell to my knees, my hands going to the wound at my side. I tried to breathe, I tried to do anything, yet there was nothing. Rocks stuck into my knees as I fell, and I looked up at the man in front of me, a smile on his face.
“Too late, too close, too much of nothing,” he snarled. Blood pooled down my chin, and I cursed and then held my blade up before throwing it directly at the man. His eyes widened as if he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. My knife buried into his neck and he screamed, blood spurting. Kaylee screamed. My hand went back to the wound at my side, trying to hold my stomach together, but I couldn’t.
Couldn’t do anything.
Why didn’t it hurt? Why wasn’t there any more searing pain?
I could feel my heartbeat in my gut wound, and I knew that probably wasn’t a good thing.
Only, I couldn’t care. Couldn’t think. Everything was so slow, and I had to wonder what was going on.
Kaylee yelled again, and then she lashed out to get to me, and the four men were down on the ground, their throats slit as her body flew forward, shaking with rage.
I found myself with my head on her thigh, looking up at her, wondering exactly how I had got gotten here.
There were footsteps, shouts, but I couldn’t hear any of them. I could only see Kaylee’s face as she screamed.
And then there was nothing.
Chapter 13
This couldn’t be happening.Jason couldn’t be dead.
My voice echoed throughout the forest as others came towards us, Riaz running full tilt, shirtless, no shoes, and looking as if he had just thrown sweats over his body as he ran, his entire body radiating that of Alpha.
“Where were you?” I shouted, my throat raw. “Where were you? Why weren’t you here? Why wasn’t anyone here?”
Brendan and Dean fell to my side along with Riaz, as other wolves surrounded the area, checking on the bodies that lay strewn around us, as well as anyone else that was near.