Page 26 of Inked Craving
“Lee. I didn’t know. I mean, I knew about your mother, but I didn’t know anything else. I’m so sorry. I won’t bring up your birthday, I promise.”
I reached down and cupped her face. “It’s okay. You didn’t know. Beckett and Benjamin know because I got drunk and told them. They didn’t understand why I didn’t celebrate my birthday, either. You Montgomerys love celebrations.”
She met my gaze, her lips forming a small smile that didn’t reach her eyes. “Anything for cheese plates.”
I leaned down, pressing my forehead to hers. She wore tall wedges today so I could reach her, and I appreciated it. “I’m okay, Paige. I went to a therapist. I still do, and I talk it out. I tried to figure out exactly who I blamed and all of that for so long. But I’m not that kid anymore. I had a long time to think about it, to come to terms with the demons my father couldn’t face and couldn’t fight any longer, even though he tried for so long. Paige, he tried. But in the end, it wasn’t enough. And I understand that now. I’m not angry. It’s the coincidence of it all that makes it a little too much.”
“I’m sorry, Lee.” Her fingers danced along my chin as she studied my face.
I sucked in a breath, not knowing what to say. “Schizophrenia shows in late teens and early twenties, according to most studies. I was always afraid that I’d follow in his footsteps. I’m past that age now, but I still see a therapist to talk things over. To see if there are any warning signs.” She pressed her lips together, and I wiped away her tears. “Don’t cry for me, Paige. I’m okay. I’ll celebrate your birthday. This baby’s birthday. Every single Montgomery birthday that there is so I can have my own cheese plates. But I don’t celebrate mine.”
“Well, then we need a holiday for you. What about Arbor day? Arbor day sounds nice.”
I looked at her and ignored the little twist in my heart, the one that told me I wanted more. Only that wouldn’t happen. The baggage we carried was far too much. I ignored it.
Paige smiled at me, then her eyes went wide, and she let out a groan.
“Paige?” I asked, alarm shooting through me.
“Something’s wrong.” she whispered, and then she doubled over in pain. She’d gripped her stomach, and I cursed under my breath, bringing her close, my heart racing.
“It’s the baby. The baby.”
She met my gaze, and fear coated my tongue, my worst nightmares were coming true.
“I’m fine,” I whispered once again as Annabelle tucked me into the couch. The blanket was soft and warm and the same one I had tucked around Annabelle when I brought it over when she hadn’t been feeling well during her pregnancy. The twins had been hard on her, and while I had been going through my own issues at the time, I had loved how my big sister was married and having babies, and that my brother and his wife were having a baby at the same time. Although I had been jealous, to say the least, that everyone was moving on without me, I’d never resented who they were or what they were bringing to their lives. I was happy for them, and I had been then, too.
And now, Annabelle was here, taking care of me when I felt like shit.
“I know you’re fine. But I want to take care of you. You’re my sister. Let me love you.” She whined the last words, her eyes dancing with laughter, but I saw the fear there, too. I was just as afraid, because I had almost lost the baby.
I’d had cramping, bleeding, and a scare that had nearly sent me over the edge. When I held myself, bending over in pain in front of Lee at the park, I had thought it was the end. That maybe my insecurities and worrying about how I’d fit into my family and how Lee or Colton felt about me had made me nearly lose this precious gift.
But Lee had carried me all the way to my car, ignoring the worried looks from strangers, and then had driven me to the emergency room. My obstetrician had shown up since she was in the same hospital and had told me I needed to rest for the next week. But I wouldn’t be on permanent bed rest, not if she had anything to say about it.
I had smiled at that, even as fear erupted, taking my strength. However, I had to trust in her words that I would be okay.
And I hadn’t been alone. Lee had been there. The worry etched on his face was something that would haunt my nightmares for years to come. But he had been there, had gotten me to the doctor, and had called my family. While a small part of me hadn’t wanted to bother them, hadn’t wanted them to deal with my issues, I was grateful.
Because I loved my siblings and my parents; they were everything to me. And though I was a stubborn asshole sometimes, I was grateful that they were there. And Lee had called them, knowing I would want them there, even if I wasn’t fully cognizant of the decision because I was so scared.
“Thank you for being here,” I whispered, and Annabelle looked up at me sharply, her eyes warming.
“I’ll always be here for you, Paige. I know we’re all a little busy with the upcoming projects, the expansion, and our own lives, but we’re always here.” She paused and sat down next to me. “And I’m glad that Lee is here for you, too.”
I gave her a look and snorted. “You’re not as subtle as you think you are in your questions.”
“What? You two are just spending so much time together. For two people who are not together.”
She studied my face, pressing her lips together. “We are not together,” I said calmly. “We’re just friends.”
“Friends who have slept together at least once.”