Page 42 of Inked Craving
“Okay, let me know if you need anything.”
“No problem.”
She left, and I felt like I was an idiot. I had no idea what the fuck I was doing when it came to Paige, but something needed to be done. Or maybe nothing at all. Perhaps this would just work out. Because while I knew Paige didn’t want Colton back—the man was fucking married to someone else—it still felt complicated and twisted.
I didn’t know what Paige wanted because neither of us ever spoke of it. And that would have to change. Only I was afraid as soon as I said something, I’d lose her and Emery. And I wasn’t sure I could stomach that.
I needed to fucking be a man and do something.
I shook my head and stood, knowing I needed to focus on the science and the lab. I could worry about my personal life, or lack thereof, later.
My office phone rang as I walked past the front of my desk, and I answered it. “Lee Grier.”
Someone let out a breath on the other end of the line before the phone clicked, the person hanging up.
I frowned, setting the phone back in its cradle, wondering who the hell kept calling.
They never spoke, but I always heard breathing on the line.
It was weird and bothered me, but when I asked the tech support team about it, they’d said they weren’t sure what was going on. I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to do about it, or what Ishoulddo. Instead, I went back to work and focused on anything but Paige, phone calls, and the fact that as soon as I spoke to her about what I felt, I might lose her because she had far more important things to worry about than my psyche.
I would focus on what I was good at. Research, creating, and just using my brain. It was easier to focus on science and math than it was anything else in the world. At least, that’s what I told myself when it came to Paige Montgomery.
I was so deep into my work, my phone alarm buzzed, startling me. I looked up, blinking.
I snorted, then turned off my alarm and headed out of the office. The only way I could focus on getting out on time and making sure Paige and Emery were fed was if I set alarms for myself. I tended to work longer hours than I needed to because I enjoyed it. And yet, I had something to look forward to now. Someoneto look forward to. Maybe.
My phone buzzed again, and I looked down.
Benjamin:Are you heading to Paige’s for dinner?
I picked up my phone and called. “Hey, I’m heading out to my car now. I didn’t want to text and fall. And, yeah, I was going to pick up some diapers and head over there, is that okay?”
“Sounds good to me. I just wanted to see in case I should go over.”
I snorted. “You have a baby at home, too, you know.”
“He’s so big right now. I swear he’s grown four sizes this month. I can’t believe how quickly time goes by.”
I laughed at that image. “Right? Are you bringing Rafael into Montgomery Builders now?”
“Yeah, this was the first week that we got it going. It’s easier for me than Brenna. But it works.”
“How’s Brenna doing not being near Rafael every hour?”
“She stopped by the place four times today, and I’m out in the field. It’s not like I get to see my kid every hour. I don’t think I like this. I’m thinking about strapping him to my back at some point if I don’t have to do too much manual labor. We’ll see.”
I smiled, picturing big, bad Benjamin Montgomery with a baby strapped to his body as he planted trees. “That could work.”
“I’m thinking about it. We’ll go over the logistics. I know Paige will have Emery in there, but at least she’ll be next door to the nursery.”
“You guys are a good family, and the fact that you can make a program work like that is great.”
Benjamin laughed. “Our cousins did it first. And we’re testing it out. However, I do like it.”
“Good. I don’t think that could work here.” There was a pause, and I thought about what I’d said. “Not that I would bring Emery with me. Unless, you know, there was an emergency or something.”
“We’re all here for her, Lee. But we’re glad that you’re there for her, too.”