Page 49 of Inked Craving
“No. We’re adults. We’ve got this. I know it’s early, but we’re in a decent situation where we’re in charge of as many outcomes as possible. We can make this work.”
“Sounds good to me.”
“Hello, I’m Jordan, and I’ll be taking care of you tonight,” an unfamiliar woman’s voice said from beside us.
“Hello, Jordan,” I said, smiling back.
She grinned. “Oh, look. I love when Mom and Dad get to come out for a date night. Now, if you’ll just bear with me, this is only my second night here, and I’m still getting used to the menu.”
I froze at the wordsMomandDad,but Paige just kept smiling, though I saw the look of panic flash in her eyes. Carla knew us from before, so it hadn’t been weird. But this person didn’t. I mean, everyone who saw us together would naturally think we were a family. A real one. And I wasn’t quite sure what I was supposed to do with that or how to make sure that Paige knew I wasn’t going to rush her. Hell, I was still getting used to the whole thing myself.
Paige just smiled and we gave our drink orders. When Carla came by with the sparkling cider, she whispered fiercely under her breath, “We’re so sorry. I forgot that this was Jordan’s section for the night. She didn’t mean anything by it.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Paige said. “Most of the people at the birthing classes were very confused when we had to explain that he’s not the daddy.”
I grimaced. “Other people thought I must have been one of her two thousand brothers.”
“I can totally see that happening. However, I am kind of sad that you’re now off the market, Lee,” Carla added with a wink.
“Oh?” Paige asked, her voice brittle. Carla just rolled her eyes.
“I’m just saying. Now all of the Montgomerys and their best friends are taken. Though I know you guys are just dating, so I’m not going to barge in with craziness. However, I’m kind of sad that all of your brothers went off and got married like all at the same time. I never had a chance.” She sighed as she said it, and I laughed, knowing what Carla was getting at.
Paige snorted. “The number of women who come after my brothers still, even though they’re married, is ridiculous.”
Carla’s eyes widened. “Are you serious? If I ever see that happening when they’re on a date here, I’ll tell them what’s what. You don’t mess with the Montgomerys or their families. And I’d like to think I’m an honorary Montgomery with the number of times I’ve fed all of you.”
I grinned as Carla walked away and shook my head. “You know, I like her.”
Paige raised a brow. “How much do you like her?” she teased.
“I never dated her if that’s what you’re worried about.”
“I wasn’t worried at all, but you would have been welcome to date her before.”
I frowned. “I’ve dated a few people in my life, Paige.”
“Don’t remind me,” she ground out, even though she was still smiling.
“As I was saying, I’ve dated a few people before, but I was always monogamous. And I’d like to think I’m not the asshole who just leaves women in my wake.”
Paige shook her head, her gaze warming. “I know you aren’t, Lee. Why do you think I’m out with you right now with my daughter? She’s the most important thing in my life, but we’re here. I mean, it’s weird as hell that the waitress thought we were already a family. And here we are, on our first date, even if we might have been somewhat dating before. This is our first real date, Lee. And it’s with a baby. Nothing we’re doing is normal or according to any dating handbook out there.”
“Since when do we need a handbook when it comes to dating?”
Paige bit her lip. “Because I’m not good at it. As evidenced by my exes.”
“I’m not good at it, either. You know that. You know I didn’t plan on anything serious.” Her eyes shuttered, and I held back a curse at my words. “This is serious, Paige. I wouldn’t risk our friendship, I wouldn’t risk my relationship with your brothers, and I sure as hell wouldn’t risk Emery for anything less than serious.” It scared me that I was putting so much on the line, but I couldn’t help it. She needed to know.
“I know, Lee. I know.”
As Jordan came back to take our order, I smiled at the woman in front of me and had to tell myself that we were taking this seriously. Yes, we were risking everything, but it had to be worth it, because this was Paige.
And I didn’t want to go anywhere.