Page 62 of Inked Craving
Eliza nodded. “Lee wasn’t seeing anyone else, you weren’t, and you spent all of your free time together. I’m pretty sure you are nearly a year into whatever type of relationship you thought you had.”
I looked down at my hands. “I don’t want to force Lee into something he’s not ready for.”
My mom leaned forward. “But what areyouready for, Paige?”
I looked up at my mom and swallowed hard. “I’m ready for cupcakes, and to be the best mom I can possibly be, and to make sure Montgomery Builders kicks ass. I don’t want to put too much pressure on what I have with Lee. Okay?”
The girls looked at each other and then at me before nodding and changing the subject to the upcoming expansion. We would soon be adding a whole other set of team members to Montgomery Builders, as well as an actual expansion to the office. We redid the space and had the funds to do so. We were taking on more and more clients and being safe and cautious about it simultaneously. We didn’t want Montgomery Builders to go under, so we were focusing on what we could. And that meant doing the best we could while taking care of our family and company.
Our girls’ time ended, my sisters left, hugging me tightly, and my mom kissed my forehead. “Enjoy yourself. I see how you look at Lee, and the way he looks at you. You two might be thinking you’re taking it slow and doing your best to focus on who you are, but don’t run and hide when things get difficult. And don’t bite your nose off to spite your face. You understand me, young lady?”
I nodded. “I do. However, we’re going to find our own pace. Not the one others need us to take.”
“Okay, baby girl. Just be safe.” She kissed my cheek once again and then left me alone.
Emery let out a little cry, and I ran towards her room. I didn’t always run as quickly as I did at Emery’s cries of waking up. However, I needed to hold my baby.
I picked her up, looking at that wide smile, and held her close. She was still so tiny but was growing by leaps and bounds every day. I sat in the rocker, undid my button-up shirt, and pressed the baby to my breast. Emery fed quickly, and I sighed, rocking, wondering exactly how this was my life. Nothing had gone as planned, not a single thing, and yet I couldn’t hate it. Because I had my daughter, I was a mom. I was damn good at my job.
And I was in love with one of my best friends. And maybe, just maybe, he could love me back.
“Knock, knock,” Lee said from the door, and I started, looking up at him.
“I didn’t know you were coming over,” I whispered and adjusted Emery.
Lee shrugged and moved into the nursery, sitting on the ottoman in front of me. “I told you I might stop by for dinner. But from the looks of the kitchen and all the leftovers in the fridge, you guys might have already eaten.”
I laughed. “We had a very filling lunch. I don’t know if I could eat dinner.”
“Not a problem. Mind if I eat some leftovers then?”
“I don’t mind, Lee.” I let out a breath, knowing I needed to stop being a coward when it came to him. “I’m glad you’re here.”
He smiled, leaned forward, and brushed a kiss to my lips and then to Emery’s head. My heart did that little twisting thing, telling me that I should say something. Tell him how I felt. But I had tried with Colton and had failed spectacularly. I didn’t know if I could fail with Lee. I didn’t know who I would be if that happened. I wasn’t ready.
But I needed to find a way.
“Are you sure about this?” I whispered, the words coming out of my mouth before I even realized it. Lee blinked and leaned back, sitting on the ottoman again.
“Sure about what?”
“About me. About this. About what we’re doing.”
He tilted his head, studying me. “I’ve been sure for a while, Paige. What’s not to be sure about? I’ve been here every step of the way. I’m not going anywhere.”
It wasn’t a declaration of love, but it was close. It was something.
I just needed to focus. To breathe. Because I had fallen in love with Lee. But I didn’t know how to tell him that. Or when the right time would be.
“Do you want me to take care of Emery while you clean up?” he asked, and I blinked, realizing that I had been staring at him and not saying anything.
I cleared my throat. “Okay. Thank you.”
“It’s really selfish. I just want to hold her. I like her.”
“I like her, too.” I handed my daughter to Lee, knowing that she was in the safest hands possible, and cleared my throat. “I’m glad that you’re here for her because I trust you implicitly. With her.”With me.
He smiled then, his eyes growing warm. “I love this kid, Paige. I loved her from the first moment I met her. It’s probably a little insane, but I can’t help it. She’s amazing.”