Page 32 of Last Minute Fiancé
“You know you could. Now, I do actually have a question for you. How do you stand being called by your last name when you know he does it just to needle you?”
I shrugged, knowing that she was right.
“He does it to the guys too. So, it’s not just me.”
“He calls Nathan by his first name because he’s junior partner. So I bet as soon as he starts calling you Addison, or Travis by his first name and not Armstrong, that’s when you’re going to know.”
I cringed. “I figured that out and it sucks. It should be about what we bring to the company. What we can do for the team. And now it’s all about politics.”
“That’s what most jobs are, even if they don’t think it is. Now, speaking of office politics, who is that lovely young man you brought with you, because while that ring is gorgeous on your finger, it’s so new you’re still playing with it every time you get a chance.”
I glared at her. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Kelly.”
“It’s fine, you know. I know what it takes as a woman in a high-powered job. That’s why Nathan and I don’t work together. But we want to start a family, and doing that means we need to make sure we have the time and resources to do so.”
Planning would’ve been nice, but as I gave her a brittle smile, I wondered how Nathan would handle that. Or would it be Kelly who put things aside in order for that phase?
Because for all this work towards a promotion, would it really help? Would I be able to find time to figure out exactly how to be a mom?
Would I be a good mom?
Bile filled my throat and I swallowed another sip of my soda, ignoring the fear that coated my tongue.
I didn’t want to think about that. I couldn’t.
“It’s a new ring, but it’s Luca. He’s my best friend.”
That wasn’t lying to her, and I smiled, knowing it was true. Kelly grinned at me before reaching out to hug me tight.
“That makes me so happy to hear. You should marry your best friend. And he’s a great guy. I mean, look at him. He’s literally holding a kitten right now,” she said dryly.
I turned quickly, nearly tilting off my heels as I saw Luca walk over, a tiny white kitten in his hands.
Every single wife and girlfriend and female in the vicinity came over to look at him and coo.
An odd bit of jealousy hit me, but that made no sense. This was Luca, women fawned on him all the time. I was usually his best wing man and would help him get the draw or push them away. Not that he ever actually went home with anyone. Which was weird, now that I really thought about it.
Or maybe he was still so hurt over his dead girlfriend that he was focused on that and not trying to go home with anyone else.
No, I was not going to let the inner voices scream at me tonight. I did not have time for a nervous breakdown.
Of course, all of that flew through the window when I looked at the man coming towards me with a smirk on his face and his hair falling over his eyes as he held a tiny kitten up to his chin and walked through the crowd of bystanders to stand right in front of me. I set my drink down, and looked up at him, my heart racing.
“Where did you get a kitten, Cassidy?” I asked teasingly.
He snuggled the kitten under his chin and shrugged. “Found it underneath the deck over there. I only heard the one though, and I was going to go climb down to find more, but one of the staff members says that this is from the owner’s daughter’s litter. So we’re going to go do a quick check and then make sure the kitten is reunited with its mother. They’re weaned, but they’re still pretty small.”
He smiled and rubbed the kitten underneath the chin as it began to purr.
“Cute, right?”
“You’re a menace.” But I couldn’t help it, so I reached out and let the kitten sniff my finger before it rubbed its tiny little nose against me. “Okay, this is so cute.”
“Right? And I think that’s the owner there, he looks a little harried.”
I turned as an older man with a dark beard came forward, putting his hands in front of him, looking as if he were ready to pray.
“Thank you so much. This is Whiskers. He’s the rambunctious kitten that got out of his enclosure.” The man winced. “Not that we keep them locked up for long or anything, but it was bedtime, and it’s not safe to have the cats run around when they’re so small. Thank you so much for finding him. My daughter’s distraught. We looked everywhere.”