Page 40 of Last Minute Fiancé
“Don’t Luca me. We’re going to tell the family, and then we’re going to figure out when the next doctor’s appointment is. I’m going to be there, no matter what. I’m not going to date anyone else. I’m not going to bring anyone else into this. It’s just you and me, Addison. You’re my best friend, that’s just the way it’s going to have to be.”
I knew she was scared, but hell, so was I.
She had so much going on in her mind, so I had to be the one to step up first. To lay the groundwork.
I just hoped like hell I was doing the right thing. But when she didn’t tell me no, when she didn’t back away, I counted that as a win.
At least until the next step, which would probably ruin everything.
“So, when do we tell the family?”
“Soon. Though it’s not going to be easy.”
“I know.”
“I’m not going away, Addison. So you’re stuck with me.”
I didn’t add the word forever, though it felt to me as if it were screamed in the distance.
Because no matter what, we were connected forever.
In two trimesters, everything would change again.
I just needed to make sure she knew how much I cared.
That, hell, I wanted more.
Shit. I hadn’t realized that until this moment.
That was something I was going to have to deal with.
All the while, seeing if the woman in my arms could maybe want me back.
That wasn’t going to be difficult. Not at all.
Okay, dinner was set, the covered dish was ready to go. And I was ready for this.
I cringed at my internal pep talk, because it sounded as if I didn’t even believe myself. And I probably didn’t. Today was the day I was going to tell my friends I was pregnant. Because there would be no hiding it soon. My morning sickness that wasn’t exactly morning but randomly inappropriate at times sickness was now abating slightly. But my pants were getting a little too tight, and I wasn’t going to be able to hide the pregnancy for much longer. Not to mention I wanted to talk with my friends about it. I wanted them to know what was going on. Not that I knew exactly what was going on, but I wanted people other than Luca to talk about things with. I needed to talk to somebody rational. Because while Luca could be rational, he was also very much tied to his emotions.
I wanted someone to be able to tell me what to do or to explain that what I was doing was the right call. Which didn’t make any sense, because I was usually great at making choices for myself.
I wanted to talk to my best friends. Because every time I talked to my other best friend, Luca and I added more complications and stress to our relationship. It made sense though. Because this wasn’t just a one-off thing. We would be forever and irrevocably tied. And while at one point that wouldn’t have bothered me because I would assume we would always be friends, as I would always be friends with his brother’s wife, it didn’t mean that I was ready for any of this. Everything had changed. And I needed to talk to my girls about it. I just wasn’t quite sure how they would feel about this new turn of events. Because it would change everything. We wouldn’t mean for it to, but it would alter the fabric of our group and our lives.
That wasn’t overstating it at all. I wasn’t overreacting. I was freaking the fuck out just like I should be.
I would get this over with, I would tell them, and they would either judge me harshly, freak out right alongside me, or something in between, but at least then they would know. It would be out in the open, then tomorrow I would tell my parents.
I just hoped they wouldn’t be disappointed in me.
I shook my head and frowned. My parents had never been disappointed with me. Yes I had made mistakes in the past, because I was human, but they had always been there for me. They loved me.
And now I was going to make them grandparents.
I went lightheaded at that and had to lean on my kitchen island to remain steady.