Page 43 of Last Minute Fiancé
I would lose it all.
Why was I fighting so hard to keep it?
But before I could answer that terrible question, Devney gave me a look, her face falling.
“What’s wrong? I’m sorry that I sort of took over this whole evening. I just really wanted to tell my friends. Heath is telling his brothers and sister tonight. You know, a whole family thing. And I wanted to do it with my part of the family. I’m telling my actual kin tomorrow. Are you okay, Addison?”
I opened my mouth to say something, to pretend and then tell them later, but instead I burst into tears.
Devney looked pained before she threw her arms around me, pulling me close.
“What’s wrong? Oh my God.”
I shook my head and wiped my tears, annoyed with myself, because Devney needed this happiness and I was ruining it. “I’m so sorry, Devney. I’m so happy for you. You’re going to make an amazing mom. And yes you’re going to have all 1,000 of us aunts and uncles by your side no matter what. I’m truly blessed to be your friend and to be part of this. I love you and I love this.”
Devney was crying now too, but Paisley just frowned at me. “Then why are you crying? What’s wrong, Addison?”
I pressed my lips together, trying to gain the courage to say the words, and I knew that courage would never come so I just needed to get it out there.
“I had you guys over tonight because I was going to tell you I’m pregnant.” I gave a brittle grin. “Surprise.”
Paisley just blinked at me, while Devney dried her tears and frowned.
“You’re pregnant? How? Who? What? Why?” Devney shook her head. “Wait, I’ve run out of questions, but what?”
Paisley pointed to Devney and then at me. “Yes, what she said. You’re both pregnant? At the same time? Oh my God.”
“Exactly, oh my God,” Devney added, and I burst out laughing, feeling the ridiculousness of the situation. There were way too many emotions all at once.
“I’m pregnant. And I was trying to figure out how to tell you, but yes. I’m pregnant. About to start my second trimester.”
“Oh my God, me too.”
Devney blurted out her due date, and I nodded, my hands shaking.
“About a week after that.”
“Oh my God, baby math is going to do me in,” Paisley said, before she went to my fridge, and pulled out the bottle of wine that I’d had in there for a while.
“Since neither of you two bitches can drink, I’m going to be doing this. And then, Addison, I would love some answers to any of those questions. Yes, I realize you can keep them to yourself because I am the queen of privacy and not telling anybody what I feel, but please, let us know something.”
She poured a very large glass of wine, and then drank half of it in nearly one gulp.
That was pretty impressive.
Devney still held my hand as Paisley looked between us, the wine glass still in her hand.
“So, do you remember your birthday party? And how I got really drunk, as did Luca?”
Devney’s eyes widened as Paisley laughed and sipped more of her wine.
“Well, I’m pregnant. And it’s Luca’s. And we’re going to keep it. And we’re going to remain friends. And we’re going to pretend that we didn’t have sex again while at the retreat.”
Devney’s mouth dropped open wide, like a fish, as Paisley laughed and sipped more of her wine.
“You mean the trip where he pretended to be your fiancé? Oh. This is gold. These fucking Cassidy brothers just make you crazy. You are a sane, rational woman, Addison. And I am so damn happy for you.”
For some reason I thought Paisley was going to admonish me, and I just stared at her.