Page 58 of Last Minute Fiancé
She nodded. “Yes, he’s at work. He wants an update though.”
“So would I.”
“Luca Cassidy?” a big man in scrubs asked and I rushed over, my pulse racing. “Is she okay?”
“Addison would like to see you now. She’s waiting with the doctor, so if you could follow me?”
I looked over my shoulder. “Let the others know?”
“Keep me updated,” Paisley said, holding out her phone. I nodded and followed the large nurse to a room in the back.
Seeing Addison pass out like that had scared me to death.
She woke up not long afterwards, but I hadn’t listened to her protests that she was fine. I drove like a bat out of hell to the emergency room, and since it was attached to the same hospital where her doctor saw patients, I counted that as fate.
But I hadn’t been able to go back with her because I wasn’t family.
I wasn’t even technically her boyfriend.
She still wore my ring on her finger, fake as it was, but I was nothing to her.
Just the father of her unborn child.
“Here she is,” the man said, and I nodded in thanks before stepping into the room and gripping Addison’s outstretched hand.
She wore a hospital gown and her hair was piled on the top of her head. She looked fine, though she had an IV in her arm.
“What’s wrong?”
“Everything’s okay. Everything’s okay.”
Her doctor cleared his throat and looked at me. “Luca Cassidy?”
“Yes. I’m…I’m her…I’m the baby’s father.”
I held back a wince at that, though there wasn’t any other way to say it. I didn’t have words.
I didn’t have a title.
“As I was just telling Addison here, her blood sugar was low which was why she passed out. Everything is fine right now.”
Relief slammed through me, until I registered the wordsright now. “But things could be wrong in the future?” I asked, frowning at Addison.
“Remember how I said I have a blood clotting issue? It’s why I couldn’t be on birth control.”
“Are you okay?”
“I’m fine. I’m okay.”
“But she’s going to have to remain calm. I’m not putting her on full bed rest, but we will be taking precautions. For the next two trimesters, we’re going to treat this as a high-risk pregnancy. So, let’s go over what needs to happen.”
The doctor started saying things, and I knew he was saying words, and Addison was taking notes, but all I could focus on was holding her free hand.
I couldn’t lose her.
This couldn’t be happening again.
Only it was.