Page 7 of Last Minute Fiancé
I smiled brightly and pretended that this didn’t happen every single time I sent him anything.
I wasn’t sure it happened with anyone else. Probably because those men were guys and of course my boss would never ask them how to open a PDF. Even though all he had to do was double-click it. Or even hit return. Or even blink at it and it would probably open faster than me walking to his office and doing it for him.
“It’s in your inbox now, sir.”
“I need you to open it for me, Lily. And print it out. In duplicate. Armstrong and I will meet you in the office.”
I disliked the fact that my boss called us by our last names, as if we were on some sports ball team. I was not on a sports ball team. I’d played field hockey in high school but hadn’t had time or willpower to play in college. So I was used to the last name thing somewhat, but it was a little different when you were on the field with people who understood you and didn’t treat you like the little woman. Now though, I got to be called by my last name, which also happened to be a first name of a woman. Somehow it felt demoralizing, like I was their precious lily, easily crumpled, and used for funerals and wakes.
And okay, that was enough thinking on that line because I was clearly losing my damn mind.
“Yeah, Lily. Better print those out.”
I raised a brow at Travis Armstrong, my ex-boyfriend and nemesis. I hated him. Not that he really mattered because I rarely worked with him. Yes we had worked on this project together—I had done most of the work while he second-guessed everything I did. But here he was, walking practically arm in arm with the boss while I had to print out things.
I was not their administrative assistant. He still called them God damn secretaries, even though the women in those positions had asked HR to stop using that term. But in order for HR to do anything about it, they needed to have spines.
There were always little ways to get around everything, and these “good old boys” had always been very good at it. It didn’t matter what the rules said, they always found exceptions. And that’s why I did what I could to stay on the ball and keep ahead of things. Though I was still a little nauseous and I felt like I was two steps behind. That was going to get me in trouble, so I needed to fix this. It was now or never.
I pulled out the three folders with each of our names on them. This wasn’t my first rodeo, and I had been anticipating something like this. I mean, why would the man know how to open up a PDF on his own computer? Behind our boss, Travis’ eyes narrowed slightly and I gave him a bright smile.Take that asshole.Yes I had been forced to do the work anyway, but those two wouldn’t be walking together side by side talking about anything from golfing or the account itself while I got left behind.
That would not be happening. Especially not with my ex.
I handed over the paperwork and stepped between them, my pace brisk.
“On to the office?”
“Thanks for printing those out, doll.”
I raised a brow at Travis and he just grinned.
Why would I go to HR? Why would I upset anyone? Especially because HR was dating one of the bosses. Ethics—what was the point of them? I couldn’t really go outside the process, not when things would blow up in my face, and it was easier to just get the work done.
The fact that I kept having to remind myself that I loved my job and I loved doing what I did, meant maybe that wasn’t entirely true and something needed to change. But not anytime soon. There had already been enough changes.
By the time we got to the office, I was seething as well as nauseous. I should have eaten that morning, but I’d been so focused on making sure that I kept a leg up on Travis that I hadn’t. And now I was regretting the cup of coffee and two bites of bagel that I had rather than an actual meal.
As we went over the account, and Travis needled me at every single turn, I needled him right back. I knew what I was doing, and this man and all his little digs were not going to get at me. They hadn’t in college, and they wouldn’t now. I didn’t know anymore why I dated him, other than I hadn’t seen him for what he was truly was. But now I did, and I was better than that.
As we stood up for our lunch break, my stomach revolted and I nearly tripped on my heels, putting my hand over my belly.
Travis raised a brow while my boss frowned.
I held up my hand, knowing if I didn’t move quickly, this was going to end badly. I practically sprinted to the women’s restroom, past the guys making lewd comments that I wasn’t supposed to hear, slammed the door behind me, and locked myself in a stall. I nearly went to my knees, but then thought better of it, before bending over and hurling out everything that had been left in my stomach.
My knees shook and my stomach continued to whirl as I threw up again, and then used the toilet tissue to wipe my face.
I was clammy, but felt slightly better from having thrown up. I flushed the toilet, then went to the sink to wipe my face.
I frowned as I washed out my mouth and wiped my face. I needed to go to my desk and clean up my makeup a bit, and I would. Eventually.
Damn it. I couldn’t believe I’d just gotten sick in front of my boss and my ex. Could this day be any worse?
But no, I wasn’t going to make a scene beyond this. I would go back to work and everything would be fine.
I held my chin high, ignored the fact that I was already queasy again, and made my way outside into the office.