Page 71 of Last Minute Fiancé
I finished my food and went to wash my hands. When I came back, everybody was silent, and I realized that other people had joined the party.
Only it didn’t feel like a party right then.
My sister came forward and hugged me tightly.
“Sorry we’re late. We were dealing with a few of Ford’s family things.”
I looked up at Ford, who shrugged. “I’ll talk about it later. But it’s baby time now. Congratulations, brother.”
I hugged Ford, then Noah, then both Greer’s husbands moved back to let my baby sister hold me tight.
“By the way, I’m so sorry. They followed us. Long story.”
I frowned then looked past her and realized why everybody was stressed. My parents stood in the corner, not touching, but also not looking as if they were planning to leave anytime soon.
I opened my mouth to say something, only nothing came out.
“We wanted to be here. But we can go if you want us to,” my mom said, and I looked at Heath who appeared just as flabbergasted as I felt, and then at August who glared.
It was Greer who spoke up. “As long as they’re polite, I’ll handle it.” She beamed at me. “That’s what sisters are for.”
“I have to go back there.”
“Go forth and take care of her. We’ve got you, Dad,” she teased, though I saw the worry in her eyes.
For me? For Addison? For the fact that the parents that I hadn’t spoken to in months were here together?
I didn’t know why they were here. But maybe their need to be involved overrode the fact that they’re selfish asses.
“I’ll keep everyone updated and send Paisley back out.”
“Sounds like a plan,” August grumbled, as another person walked in that I recognized as Paisley’s boyfriend.
I didn’t know Jacob well, and I nodded at him as he went over to sit next to August, like that wasn’t awkward at all.
But I didn’t have time for my family drama, not when my new family was about to arrive.
I made way back inside and Addison glared.
“You ate. That’s queso on your lip.”
I quickly wiped my mouth, and then looked down at my hands. “It was not. I washed my face.”
“Well, I can smell it. I can’t believe you had a burrito.”
“I need the strength to keep up with you. You’re the strongest person I know. I’m weak.”
“Keep going. I think that’s working,” Paisley said with a laugh as she made her way to the door.
“I’ll keep everyone updated, and I’ll rotate them in and out.”
“Not everyone,” I grumbled, and Paisley nodded.
Well, apparently the group chat was caught up.
Good. Because this was fucking weird.
“What’s wrong?” Addison asked as I sat down next to her.