Page 74 of Last Minute Fiancé
And while I did my best to do things like vacuum or dishes while she slept so she would get used to it, she had been cranky and sniffly all day, so I wanted to make sure that she got her beauty rest.
Of course, that meant I stepped on a stuffed animal that had a squeaker inside, and as I gently released my foot and the squeak echoed in the living room, I cringed.
But there were no additional sounds from the nursery, just soft baby sleeping noises.
I sighed in relief and continued on my way back to the bedroom.
It had been two months since our lives had changed. Two months since everything had changed once again.
Luca had never moved back home. He just stayed, and I was never going to let that man leave.
I hadn’t meant to fall in love with him, hadn’t meant for him to be by my side and to be with me, but there was no going back from that.
Because, he had wanted to stay.
The short-term rental of his place was now over, and we were slowly moving some of his furniture over, which in some cases was better than mine. Blending two households wasn’t easy, and it was something I’d never done before. But I was really enjoying the process.
He had his armchair over in the corner near mine, although I was pretty sure I wanted to burn mine, as I had spent most of my pregnancy in that damn thing. But it was still nice and comfortable to rock in while watching TV with Keeley on my chest.
I didn’t know what we were going to do with all of his furniture, since this house wasn’t big enough for the additional office that we would eventually need. We had enough space for now, as long as we used the storage unit for some furniture.
We were going to put his house on the market soon, but we didn’t really have time to deal with that right then.
Paisley had already offered to take care of it for us, because her and Devney could seriously just take over the world together, and I was so excited to get back to work and help do that.
My maternity leave was almost over, and soon I would be taking baby Keeley into work with me. Devney was still on maternity leave as well, and baby Hayleigh was the most adorable cousin that Keeley could ever ask for.
Soon Paisley’s company would have two additional babies under its roof during the day.
Heath didn’t work each weekday, and I knew he was changing his hours so he could have weekends off completely to match with Devney’s. They had hired more team members so Heath and his family could really enjoy their time. Plus, they were expanding by opening an additional business, this one more focused on food, and I knew Paisley had a hand in that because that woman could seriously do anything.
I wasn’t sure how Heath and Devney were doing it, but they were.
Just as Luca and I were.
While I wasn’t working, because I was actually taking time off, I could work from home if I needed to, but I really was excited to go back to the office. I liked being around people.
And while we had occasional animals in our house because of Luca’s job, we did get our own puppy named Puddles, who was currently out on a walk with the man that I loved.
Puddles was a mixed breed, though Luca did say that some chocolate lab was involved.
He was an adorable little mess and I loved him. Even though he came by his name honestly. Hence the long walk.
Why we decided to take home an abandoned puppy and the baby all at the same time I would never know, but who needed sleep anyway?
Luca and his partner had added a new vet to their business, and they had the space for the additional office, so they didn’t have to build on like Heath was doing.
It was a little crazy, and I couldn’t believe that we were all doing so much.
But it was all about working towards our future, something I was truly excited about, truly blessed to have.
I honestly never thought that this was what my life would be. That I would not only be a mother, that I would be living with the man that I loved.
We weren’t engaged and hadn’t actually discussed marriage. It wasn’t that either of us were scared of it, at least I didn’t think so, but we had more important things on our plate than a wedding ceremony.
Just knowing that I loved him and he loved me and that we were raising our daughter together was enough for me for now.
Maybe one day I would get on one knee and surprise a proposal on him. That might be fun.