Page 79 of Last Minute Fiancé
“I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry,” the teenage boy shouted as he started to get out of his car, but I ignored him, running around the car and opening up the door to get to Keeley.
“Baby it’s okay, baby it’s okay.”
She was still crying even though she didn’t look to be hurt, but for all I knew she had been jostled and now she was hurting even more and I didn’t know what to do.
I reached out and cupped her face, trying not to let my own tears fall.
“Mom is here. Mom is here.”
“I am a nurse. Is there anything I can do?” one of the passersby said as they got out of their car, and I turned to her.
“We were on the way to the hospital because my two-month-old baby has a fever and won’t stop crying, and now this.”
I pointed at the teenage boy, anger in my tone.
He flinched, but I didn’t care.
I would feel bad for him later, because it looked to be just an accident, but my baby could be hurt.
“You’re going to want to stand back,” Luca growled at the kid. “I’m sure you didn’t mean it, but I’m not in the fucking mood right now.”
I’d never loved that man more.
“Okay, let’s see what I can do.”
“I already called 911, just in case,” another woman said, phone to her ear. “How old is the baby?”
“Two months,” I repeated.
Everything moved quickly after that, as people from all over the neighborhood seemed to come over to make sure we were okay.
It was a small fender bender, neither car damaged too much.
The nurse was checking out Keeley, and then the ambulance arrived and took over for her.
I slid my hand into Luca’s and he pulled me close to his side.
“We’re okay. We’re okay.”
I pressed my lips together and nodded, knowing that we had to be.
It was just a little car accident, something that happened every day.
Usually, it wouldn’t even matter, but my family was in that car.
I could have lost everyone today, and I could barely catch my breath.
By the time we got to the hospital I was panicking again, hating myself for it. I could handle almost any high-powered situation at work, and most things in my personal life. But hearing my baby cry? Seeing the fear and anger in Luca’s gaze?
I couldn’t handle it.
“Are you okay?” Luca asked softly as he looked at me in the hospital room, waiting for the doctor to tell us anything. We didn’t have any news about what illness our child had, but we did have an update about the accident. Since we hadn’t been going fast, everybody was just fine. But that still didn’t make it any easier, it was almost too much to deal with.
“I’m okay. Not even sore in the least.”
“I’m just so pissed off at myself for not seeing that car.”
I frowned at him. “It wasn’t your fault. You are not the one who hit us. You stopped and looked both ways and that kid hit you.”