Page 20 of One Night With You
“Other than Mr. Sasquatch?” I asked, playing into the joke.
“Other than him. Like the one from another dimension, or a portal that opens up and tries to take you into a hell dimension. You know, so we can go visit the guys fromSupernatural.”
“Why do you sound so excited about visiting the guys fromSupernatural?” I asked dryly.
“I’m in love with Jensen Ackles. There I said it. I love him.”
I let out a sad sigh. “We’ll never live up to them, will we?”
“You really won’t. But it’s okay. He’s happy in reallife, and totally not the guy who likes pie and screams when he sees a cat.”
“You know I have no idea what any of that means.”
She put her hand to her chest, and I did my best not to look at her breasts. “Are you kidding me right now? You don’t know what I’m talking about?”
“Well not really. I’ve seen the memes. And all the videos.”
“Wait. How is that even possible? I know that your cousins love the show. At least some of them.”
“Well, I have like forty-nine cousins last time I counted. We haven’t watched all the shows out in existence.”
“But you have family jokes with theSupernaturallore,” she pointed out.
I shrugged, feeling a little embarrassed. “I watched the first episode when I was younger, probably too young, and the lady on the bridge really scared the fuck out of me. It didn’t help that Kane had been hiding behind a door and jumped out at me when I was going around the corner, and then also scared the shit out of me, and I did scream. Much like Jensen Ackles in that meme.”
“Oh my God. Well we’re going to have to watch it. I’m really sorry. But I’ll hold your hand if you get scared. As long as you know you don’t let the serial ax-wielding monster, Mr. Sasquatch, get me while we’re here in the forest.”
I looked at her and laughed, before taking another sip of my drink.
“Fine. But you have to hold me if I’m scared.”
The snow continued to pound against the window, increasing in its ferocity, and I let out a breath, before she nodded, and went to turn onSupernatural.
We sat in the dark, and I tried my best to keep my heart from pounding, and it had nothing to do with the jump scares on the TV.
“I thought his voice was lower,” I said, and Claire rolled her eyes and sighed deeply against me.
“I think his voice gets lower as the show moves on. I mean, it’s Jensen Ackles, I’m pretty sure he just ended up with the Dean voice.”
“You say that as if it’s a thing.”
“Oh it’s a thing,” she said with a dreamy sigh.
The fact that I could feel the warmth of her breath against my chest forced me to keep still.
Because she was leaning against me, both of us drinking a little too much, and both of us continuing not to care.
But maybe it was just the storm, and the mood, and nothing to do with where my mind was going.
When the first episode ended, and the boys got into that ridiculous car of theirs that had to eat up a tank ofgas every ten minutes, she let out a happy sigh, and sat up.
I ignored the fact that I missed the feel of her body against mine instantly.
“Ready for round two?” she asked, and I nodded.
“Yeah, let me get a snack or something. Another drink?” I asked, knowing we both should probably stick to water.
But then she nodded, and I licked my lips.