Page 50 of One Night With You
“I’m not going to say anything to that,” Logan said wisely, as my other dad came into the room, a tray of drinks and hand.
“Especially not in this house,” Lincoln said, and I pinched the bridge of my nose, as Livvy just gave up, and laughed as Amelia began to ask what was so funny.
This was family. Yes, it was our core group, with a couple of stragglers, but that’s what family was. I had eaten at Kane’s family’s house often, just as the same as I had at Lex’s. We had all grown up as siblings, and it made sense that as long as we were all accounted for, we had a place to sleep and eat at night.
With the next generation in, such as Lake’s daughter and Livvy’s, it was going to be even more so. And that there was a crib upstairs as well as a child’s bed just in case some random grandchild that wasn’t even theirs decided to come by, made me smile.
“This is incredible,” Oliver said as he rubbed hisstomach as if he were a toddler. Amelia decided to mimic him, and the table erupted in laughter.
“Your dad made the brisket, I made the potatoes, and Ethan made the rest,” my mom said, looking pleased with herself.
Ethan smiled. “And you didn’t burn the potatoes.”
“I’m a good cook.”
“Just not with mashed potatoes.”
My mom sighed dramatically, reaching over to tickle Amelia at the same time. “I let it burn one time because I was trying to help Kingston get his hand out of his pants, and here we go.”
Livvy and Lake both choked on their drinks, as Amelia looked on in confusion.
“I was three, and I had just realized that if I played with my penis, it was fun. I’m very sorry.”
“What’s a penis?” Amelia asked.
“Sorry.” I ducked my head at Livvy’s glare, a smile playing on my face.
“Well, you haven’t really grown out of that newfound love of doing that, have you?” Oliver asked.
“But now he has someone else to help him with that,” Logan said with a grin, and I glared at both of them.
“Okay, it is time for cleanup,” Livvy said, as she plucked a now red-faced and giggling Amelia out of herbooster. “You guys talk about whatever you need to, and we’re going to protect little ears.”
“I’ll go with you,” Lake said with a laugh. “Nick is on baby duty tonight, and I want to call before I head home, because I miss them.”
“I never asked, why were you up in Boulder?” I pulled on her sleeve slightly, smiling down at her.
“I had a meeting downtown, and instead of driving the hour and a half back through traffic, your parents told me I had to eat dinner here and drive later once rush hour was over. Well, your mom did. It was an order.”
“Yes, it was,” my mom said with a grin.
“And I don’t mind it, Nick and Harlow need some bonding time without me hovering. Because I hover.”
“Only the best moms do,” Livvy said, as the two went upstairs, and my mother looked on with a happy smile.
Then she turned her attention back to us. “I need grandkids. I know I’m way too young to be a grandmother, but please make me one.”
I held back a laugh, knowing she was only partly kidding. My parents didn’t pressure. Ever.
“I will do my best,” Oliver said, and she threw a roll at her youngest son. I laughed as Oliver caught it with his mouth, threw both hands in the air, and cheered as Logan clapped.
“I swear to God,” Lincoln said as he pinched the bridge of his nose.
“You are all ridiculous. But I love you,” my mom said.
“As for the grandkid, how are things with Claire?” Ethan asked, and I just shook my head.
“I swear, you guys were a little more subtle when we were teenagers and trying to have the sex talk.”