Page 58 of The Forever Rule
“Yes. Just coffee. I don’t know what’s going to happen, maybe we’re just going to start over so things aren’t weird. But I don’t know if they’re weird at all now. Because it could be fine for him, and I could be the one freaking out.”
“So you are freaking out,” Mom said softly.
“Maybe? I don’t know. I really liked him, Mom.” I hadn’t meant to say that out loud, and frankly I hadn’t even been sure it was true until the words were out. My mom squeezed my hand, her face softening.
“I know, baby girl. But the timing wasn’t right. And I still am a little angry that he never called you.”
“He had reasons. I mean sort of big scandal reasons,” I said, my voice low.
“There are always going to be reasons, but thereshould be other ones to remind you that you have a life worth living.”
“It’s probably a horrible mistake.”
“Is he your direct supervisor? Or has any input on your hiring, firing, or paychecks?”
I shook my head. “No. The company is separated enough that Aston has nothing to do with me. Other than the fact that he may be in a meeting or two. James is the only one that is in charge of my career for now.”
“So there’s that thing. But it would still be dating a coworker. Is that allowed?”
“Yes. And the fact that I looked it up kind of worries me,” I said with a groan.
“No, you’re being careful. And I adore you for it. Now, it’s just coffee, right?”
“Just coffee. Today in fact.”
My mom’s eyes widened. “What? That’s not enough time.”
“Excuse me?” I asked, and looked down at my leggings and workout jacket. “You don’t think my sweaty self is good enough for a coffee date?”
“I meant enough time for me.”
Alarmed, I took a step back. “What? You’re not coming.”
“No, no. I meant emotionally. I’m going to need to go and vet him again. You know, get my team on the whole background check.”
“Mom,” I warned.
“I’m kidding. Kidding. Sort of. Your dad would want to do the background check.”
“Yes, because he has friends that could actually do that.” My father was a retired firefighter who still worked with the stations and crew, just not active—which my mother and I were honestly thankful for. Growing up and being so afraid of what would happen to my father when he was out on call had always been a worry. But between his long shifts, and my mom’s equally long hours, they had somehow found a way to raise me, and be the best parents in the history of ever. I never felt any lack of time with them because they were always there when they could be.
“Just be careful, okay? I don’t want your future, your career, or your heart to be hindered by anything that the Cages could do.”
“They’re not evil.”
“I would hope not, since they’re Isabella’s family as well. Now, that’s another thing. Would Isabella be okay with you dating her half-brother?”
I grimaced.
My mom continued before I had a chance to answer. “You should tell her. Before the coffee date. No matter what has happened in your life, Isabella has always been there for you.”
“I know that. I just also know that things are awkward between them now. There’s no hate involved… I think. But things are weird.”
“That seems like a very large understatement.”
I nodded just before my alarm went off, and I sighed.
“I have to head back and get ready for more coffee.”