Page 37 of Wrecked By You
Isla laughed and then pulled back, her cheeks turning red. “Hey. I’m still at work.”
I met Mrs. Friendly’s gaze and couldn’t help but chuckle at her expression. She looked confused but happy for us.
I pulled away and then said, “What can I bring for dinner?”
She looked slightly embarrassed, but she said, “All I have is spaghetti. You could bring some sides.”
It dawned on me that she probably didn’t have money for much. She’d mentioned that she was painting to get money off some rent, and I knew she didn’t have extra. “Okay. I will meet you over at your home. What time?”
She shrugged and smiled brighter. Her cheeks were still aflame. “How about six thirty?”
I nodded and then left the room. I looked around the station but didn’t see anyone I needed to talk to, so I got back in my SUV and headed to my house. Once there, I quickly showered and changed and then picked up some nicer clothes for the boys. I imagined that they probably needed to be cleaned up a bit.
I headed to the grocery store and picked up some bread and salad. Then I decided to pick up a few basics in case she needed them to get her by until her first paycheck came in. Maybe it was too much, but I wanted to do this for her. Although I wasn’t sure how she would react.
When I got to my parents’ house, I was surprised to find the boys both showered and dressed in clean clothes. They were excited to see me, and we all hugged.
“How was your conference, Dad?” Trent asked.
“Yeah. How was your conference?” Jason asked.
I picked both up and swung them around. “Not as good as being here right now. Are you guys ready for dinner?” I had told them last night that we would be going to Isla’s house for dinner.
They both yelled, “Yes!”
I put them down and then faced my mom and dad, who looked happy.
My mother moved to the kitchen counter and held up a plate with foil over it. “I made you cookies to take.”
Her famous cookies were incredible. “You didn’t have to do that.” I took them.
She moved in and kissed my cheek, then hugged me for a second. “I wanted to.”
My father patted me on the shoulder. “I’m glad you two are picking up somewhere.” His tone seemed questioning. “You could tell your parents more if you wanted to.”
I couldn’t help but smile and feel coy. “I’m hoping I can tell you more after tonight. Thank you so much for watching the boys. Truly, you both know I couldn’t do these things without you.” I always felt totally humbled and grateful to them.
My mom waved a hand in dismissal. “We love to have sleepovers with our grandkids. It’s our privilege.”
My father ruffled the boys’ hair. “And then they get to help me around the garden.”
Trent looked up at me. “We helped Uncle Noah too a lot.”
Jason nodded. “A lot. He paid us each five dollars.” He tugged the five dollars out of his pocket to show me.
“He did? That was nice of him.”
Jason picked up the duffel bag that I had sent them with their clothes in it. “It wasn’t nice of him. We worked hard.”
We started moving toward the door, and I held it open for them. “I’m sure you did.” I gave my parents a wink.
“Call me tomorrow,” my mother said.
“You bet.” I walked out the door, and my parents followed us through it, watching us go from the porch.
My father called out, “Don’t forget we’re boating Saturday afternoon. You can invite Isla if you want.”
I thought about that. All my brothers and sister would be there. I called back, “Maybe.” But I already knew I would invite her. Of course I would.