Page 55 of Wrecked By You
Damon frowned at her. “That’s enough.”
Her teasing made me laugh.
She grinned wider, loving to tease her brother. “Hey, I’m just kidding. Are the two rascals asleep?”
Suddenly, we heard trampling down the stairs and the door flew open. “We’re not asleep,” Trent said.
Damon growled at him. “What are you doing?”
Jason followed and grinned shyly. “We were spying on you. Plus, we knew Aunt Kayla was coming.”
I couldn’t help but laugh. His boys were amazing. I turned to Damon and said, “You don’t need to have Kayla stay. I can go home by myself.” We’d gotten into the habit of having him come out to check the house and make sure the cameras were all doing what they were supposed to.
“I’m coming.” Damon said it firmly.
Kayla shook her head. “This is easy, and I love it. Don’t deny me of it, Isla.”
Trent clung to my leg. “Good night, Isla.”
I bent and hugged him and then hugged Jason. “Good night, you guys.” I touched Kayla’s shoulder. “Thank you.”
“Ella and Mom and I want to take you out for dinner tomorrow night. Just the girls. Can I pick you up from the station when you get off?”
I was a little taken aback. “That would be great.”
Kayla did a fist pump. “Girls’ night!”
I laughed. “Girls’ night!”
Damon followed me back out to the ranch house in his SUV, and nervous jitters hit me. I liked this house. I felt mostly safe. I was so grateful for Willow Harrington and her generosity. I didn’t want to tell Damon that I had this nagging feeling in my gut every time I came home. It was like I could sense that Kyle was searching for me.
We made it to the house. As was the custom in the past couple of days, Damon went through the house and checked everything with me. We both pulled up our apps and made sure that what we were seeing in person was what was on camera for every room. Then we went to the backyard and checked things out. It ended with Damon pulling me into his arms and kissing me.
Both of our phones buzzed, and when we looked down, I saw a text from Kayla.I can see you guys kissing. So can everyone else.
Damon looked up at the camera and kissed me again. “I don’t care if they can see me. I want them to see me kissing you for the rest of our lives.”
My stomach did a flip-flop, and I laughed.
He pulled back. “Okay, good night.”
“Good night.”
As he started to walk away, I kept his hand in mine and gave it a squeeze.
He turned back and said, “Have I told you I love you? Because I do.”
For a second, I didn’t move. More butterflies filled my chest as I moved back to him and kissed him again. “Are you sure? I probably bring a lot of drama to your life that you don’t need with two boys.”
He rubbed his nose against mine and said, “I think you bring just the right amount of drama.”
I kissed him, hoping that what he said was true.
The next day after work, Kayla picked me up in her red Mustang that had the top down. Her mother and Ella were with her, and it felt like we were young and free.
We decided to go to the pizza house down by the pier. I was nervous, because the bar where my mom worked was next door.
It seemed like Damon’s mom could tell that I was nervous, because she said, “Isla, if you don’t want to go here, we can go somewhere else.”