Page 16 of Wicked Embers
“Start talking, Dalton,” I growl, my voice dripping with venom. “Who the fuck are you protecting from the Greek bitch, and what is she after?”
Mark raises his hands slowly, his movements deliberate. His hand dips into his jacket pocket, pulling out a thick folded document. He holds it out to me.
I shove him aside and snatch it, unfolding the paper. The moment my eyes scan the contents, and I flip through the pages, my chest tightens as two names jump out at me throughout the document until I land on the last page—my heart stutters.
“Is this real?” I demand, my voice low, dangerous.
Mark nods, his expression is uncharacteristically somber. “From that document, you will be able to find out everything you need about the Greek matriarch—and more.” His eyes meet mine, and for the first time, I see something real—pain, sorrow, and regret. He straightens his shirt, his shoulders squaring, and fixes his suit jacket. “Only, if I were you, I’d stick to yourmother’s advice and not go digging up the past by looking into the Greek matriarch. It will only pull you down a dark path of information that you’re better off not knowing and pull you into a line of fire we’ve been deflecting from all of you for decades.”
“How do you expect me to believe you or trust any words out of your mouth?” I shake the document. “This is probably as fake as your newfound bravado.”
“Call your mother!” He shrugs, his tone challenging.
His words send zaps of shock through my system.My mother?Before I have time to ponder he pulls me from my thoughts.
“Now, I need something from you.” His eyes become hooded.
“Of course. Here it comes,” I scoff. “How much?”
“I don’t want your money.” His tone shifts, the pitiful mask he wears peeling away to reveal something harder and a lot more dangerous. “I want a promise.”
I say nothing. Just watch him. My eyes narrow with suspicion.
“A promise that you’ll protect my daughter. She doesn’t know about any of this,” he says, his voice firm as his eyes drop pointedly to the document.
“Why do I get the feeling there’s more to your demands?”
His gaze doesn’t falter. “That document you have is the only copy. There are alotof people after it. You need to hide that and then forget where that is.”
“You’re giving me this?” Now my suspicion has doubled. “Your ticket out of the hell you’ve created for you and your daughter!” He just stares at me, his features a schooled mask.
“That document you have in your hand is not a ticket to anywhere but hell at the moment. A loaded gun with the most delicate hair trigger.” I swear I see glimmer of smugness in his eyes knowing he’s just given me a live grenade without the pin.
“So, I’m just supposed to bury it?”
“Until the time is right,” Mark answers. “Then you give it to the rightful owner of it.”
“The Greek matriarch?”
“Leigh!” He corrects me. “Now, answer me?” His voice grows impatient. “Do you promise to protect my daughter and keep her safe?”
“Who or what, am I protecting her from?”
He pauses for a few tense seconds his eyes boring into mine. “Her father.” The words are so quiet I almost question if I’ve heard them correctly.
“From you?” My eyes widen in confusion.What the fuck is he playing at?
“There’s a shit storm coming, and the last line of defense we may have to save us all from the devastation is that document and my daughter.” Mark’s warning is ominous and makes my spine stiffen. “Here’s a bit of advice for you and your cousins—the sins of our fathers eventually catch up with future generations. So choose your path and the way through it wisely. Try thinking about how your actions will affect your children in the future.” His eyes narrow a bit more. “And if you’ve got anysense, Radomir, when the shit hits the fan soon, you’ll keep your head down and stay the fuck out of our way.”
I’m about to ask what the fuck that’s all supposed to mean, but he doesn’t let me.
His eyes are as cold as steel. His voice drops, heavy and deliberate. “Do I have your promise to keep Leigh safe?” His jaw clenches as he watches me.
“You have my word that I’ll protect Leigh,” I say, my own gaze hardening as the cold realization dawns on me. “But you already knew I would.”
Mark ignores my challenge, his focus unwavering. “I’ll hold you to that word. I have to warn you that the document is not the only thing a lot of people are after.” He lets his words sink in. “So know this, if anything happens to Leigh, I’ll come for your head.” His gaze locks onto mine, a silent threat in the air.
With that, he strides out without another word. I stand frozen, the weight of his warning pressing down on me, mixing with the unease swirling in my gut.