Page 40 of Wicked Embers
“There’s something off with Daniil,” Viktor tells me. “I need to check the shipment logs.”
My brow creases as what Viktor is suggesting clicks into place. “You think Daniil’s the mole?”
“He was one of the only survivors in the last two attacks here in Vegas and was at the warehouse in Los Angeles when it was hit,” Viktor points out. “I’d say once—twice maybe he’d got lucky.” He glances at me in the mirror. “But this is beyond luck now, and we don’t deal in coincidences. I also think it’s very convenient that he only overheard what he told us. As one of our translators, Daniil speaks eight languages fluently, which includes Greek.”
Fuck! This is just getting better and better. Not only do I have two Daltons who have become a huge thorn in my side, but now I may have disloyal people working for me helping to conspire against my family. When these attacks started, at first, I thought it was another crime family trying to muscle in on my territory.
Even after hearing the Greek matriarch had reared her ugly head again and we captured our first Greek prisoner, I didn’t believe it was her. The whole thing just seemed too neat. Like we were handed that prisoner to turn our attention toward the Greek bitch—a diversion tactic, so we’re looking the wrong way when the real shit goes down.
But after my Greek Special Forces infiltrated my poker game, the conversation with Dalton last night, the document he gave me… I have to believe it is the Greek matriarch. What was it that Mark said?The sins of our fathers eventually catch up with future generations.Maybe Gavriil is right—the Greek bitch is back to finish what she started ten years ago.
“Look into Daniil and anyone else that may be helping him. Get hold of Fredrik, tell him not to let anyone else know about Daniil, then bring his sister in.” My eyes narrow as my fury reignites—I don’t tolerate disloyalty, and I can’t stand moles. “And Viktor, keep this between you and me—no exceptions!”
Viktor looks at me in the mirror and nods. Out of everyone, Viktor is the one I trust with my life. We’ve gone about ten miles, and a shot rings out, thwacking against the bulletproof windshield. A barrage of bullets slams into the SUV. Viktor jerks the wheel, swerving hard before the engine sputters and stalls, leaving us stranded.
“Out!” I bark, pulling my weapon.
The two of us hit the dirt, taking cover behind the vehicle as gunfire rains down. The desert is alive with the crack of rifles and the shouts of men. Six of them, dressed in black tactical gear, move in with precision.
I fire off a shot, dropping one, but the odds are against us. My head throbs, blood dripping from a cut I don’t remember getting. Viktor curses as a bullet grazes his arm but returns fire and takes another one of them out.
Then, salvation. Gunner and Temur roar onto the scene in the truck, mowing down two of the attackers with well-placed shots. The two remaining mercenaries are subdued, their hands zip-tied behind their backs.
I wipe the blood from my temple, now barely able to contain the rage simmering just below the surface. “I want them alive. Take them to the dungeon.”
I walk back to the SUV.
“What do you want me to do with those bodies?” Temur asks.
“Leave them for the scavengers.” My gaze sweeps over the fallen attackers. “Strip them of weapons and search the bodies for intel.”
Viktor and I leave Temur and Gunner. We head back to the Diamond Hotel. I storm out of the lift from the parking garage, heading to my office.
“I’ll get on the investigation and call Fredrik.” Viktor starts to break away, pulling out his phone.
“Where are you going?” I ask, seeing him turn toward the hotel staff quarters.
“To find Dalton.” He lifts the phone to his ear.
Nodding, I turn and am about to turn the corner for my office when I’m stopped by Judy.
“What is it?” I snap impatiently.
“Jesus! What happened to you?” She eyes my disheveled state and bloodied forehead.
“We had a run-in with some Greek prairie dogs,” I growl.
“Ambush?” Her eyes widen, and I nod. I can see she wants to ask about Viktor but holds back.
“What the hell did they want?” Her voice has a slight waiver. The only thing that gives away her worry and fear.
I shrug. “I’m sure Gunner and Temur will have a lot of fun getting it out of the two of the attackers we caught.” My eyes narrow. “What did you want, Judy?”
She taps the screen of her tablet and hands it to me. “This is just going to darken your already fucked up mood.”
I take it, and my knuckles turn white, anchored around the screen as I try not to hurl the device across the hallway when I see my office in the penthouse has been ransacked. “Fuck! When did this happen?”
“Twenty minutes ago. I was about to call you when I heard you,” Judy stops me before I can spin to head for the elevator. “Wait, there’s more.”